Fabrication (15/27)

Aug 08, 2010 06:31

Casey was already awake when Luke got home, despite the early hour. He had a morning class that he complained about every other day, but he hadn’t missed one lecture yet. He was pouring coffee into a travel mug when Luke opened the door, and he turned at the sound.

“Hey,” Luke said casually.

“Where were you?” Casey asked, lifting his mug to take a sip.

Luke didn’t answer. He just closed the front door and deposited his keys in the bowl on the side table. Then he swallowed and faced Casey, prepared to make up some excuse about staying at his mother’s house or the farm or -

“Holy hell, you got laid!” Casey exclaimed.

Luke looked down at himself in surprise, trying to figure out what about his appearance or his stance or something made it so obvious.


“Dr. Oliver, right? I mean, who else, unless…ew, no. Obviously, Dr. Oliver. Way to go, man. It’s about time!”

“Yeah. How did you know that…?”

Casey grinned. “Luke, I’ve known you forever. And also, you shouldn’t play poker. So, I have to go to class, because there’s a midterm next week, and then I have a shift at the hospital, where it will take every last bone in my body not to give your new boyfriend shit - “

“Casey! No, don’t say anything, I’m begging you!”

Casey continued, ignoring him, “But then, when I get home, you have to fill me in on what happened. I mean, not the details, God, but the rated-PG Cliff’s Notes version.”

“You gossip worse than Faith,” Luke muttered as Casey walked to the door.

Casey turned to him, opening the door and standing in the entryway for a moment. He held his coffee mug up by his heart and grinned mockingly. “Our little Luke, all grown up.”


Reid stayed in bed for another hour. The first thirty minutes were spent trying to figure out what exactly happened that morning. He had thought the previous night had been…amazing, had been the start of something. After (six years) several weeks of build-up, it had been unbelievable. If Reid were corny and sentimental, he’d call it a dream come true. But then this morning, Luke had basically dismissed their night together as little more than a friendly fuck. Then he’d left without so much as a backward glance at Reid.

It didn’t really seem like Luke, to be honest, but then lots of things Luke had done in the last few weeks hadn’t seemed like Luke. Reid was beginning to wonder if he really knew who Luke was now, or if he still saw him as the extraordinarily open and earnest kid with his heart on his sleeve, so passionately committed to - to everything, it seemed. Or maybe he had never really known Luke at all, had simply seen what he wanted to.

At the very least, Reid could maybe chalk it up to first-time nerves. He was really not the ideal partner for such a…momentous occasion. Reid didn’t handle those types of things well, and Luke may just need some time to process what happened.

That said, Reid wouldn’t take back the previous night for the world. Putting aside the fact that he got to fulfill a six-year-old fantasy of being the first man to ever…putting aside that, he still was quite fond of Luke. There, he’d admitted it. Not to mention, he’d been attracted to him for ages, and the opportunity to act on that attraction was too good to pass up. So, no, he wouldn’t regret what happened. But he would let Luke set the tone of where they went from here. If Luke needed time or space, he would wait and hold back. If Luke wanted to pretend the whole thing never happened, well, he’d respect his wishes. And If Luke just wanted to take advantage of the time Reid was in town and have a…a no-strings-attached, just sex thing, Reid would make the sacrifice.

Because there were so many things Reid would like to introduce Luke to.

The next half-hour of Reid’s morning was spent taking care of his throbbing hard-on.


When Reid finally left his bedroom that morning, Katie was already curled up on the couch, sipping her morning coffee.

“Good morning!” she said with a cheerfulness that was excessive even for her. Reid looked at her suspiciously and then went to pour his own cup of coffee.

“Hi,” he said nonchalantly.

“Sleep well?”

Reid leaned against the table and took a sip of his coffee. “Fine.”

“Mmm,” Katie replied, standing up and walking into the kitchen. “That’s good.”

Reid turned to watch as she put her cup in the sink. She faced him again, and he stared back at her, his face blank. Katie smiled.

“Did Luke leave already?”

“Oh God,” Reid exclaimed, tilting his head back and turning away. “You know.”

“Yes, I know!”

Reid started to walk back to his room.

“How was it?” Katie asked.

He spun on her. “I’m not talking about this.”

“Oh, come on!” Katie wheedled. “He’s 22. I bet he’s really…flexible.”

Reid closed his eyes and exhaled slowly. Katie laughed and walked closer.

“OK, I’m sorry,” she said, putting her hands on his shoulders. “No more teasing.”

Reid opened his eyes and looked at her again. He swallowed.

“I’m really happy for you. Both of you,” Katie said sincerely.

He shrugged and looked away. “It’s not like we’re engaged or anything. It’s nothing.”

Katie dug her fingernails into Reid’s shoulders in exasperation and gave him a dangerously penetrating stare. Then she smirked. “Deny it all you want. I’m sure you’re going to need time to get used to the idea. But I know you, Reid Oliver.”

She walked away, headed towards her bedroom.

“What does that mean?” he called after her.

“I know you!” she repeated without turning around.


Luke was absolutely useless at work that day. He spent the morning staring out the window, holding his pen loosely in his mouth, daydreaming. Every so often, he’d shift in his seat, smirking at the answering sensation that reminded him of the…exertion he had put himself through the night before. Reid hadn’t been lying; Luke could definitely still feel the other man inside him. A ringing phone down the hall brought Luke quickly back to the present, and he blushed as he realized he was growing hard and that he’d basically violated his pen with his mouth and tongue and teeth.

Luke cleared his throat, turning back to his desk and pulling himself closer. He tossed his pen in the wastepaper basket and propped his head on his elbow. He read two lines of the grant proposal in front of him, and then stared at his cell phone. When was the appropriate time to contact someone after you slept with them, he wondered. He didn’t want to come across too clingy or anything. They weren’t boyfriends, that much was clear. Were the rules different for casual sex partners?

Maybe if he pretended he had a question about the neurology wing and needed an expert’s opinion…

No. No. Luke shook his head.

“Focus,” he told himself, turning back to the document in front of him.



Reid sighed, then turned around. He looked at Bob Hughes. Things had been awkward between them since the blow-up at the Lakeview. Reid still resented him for the things he had said about his relationship with Luke. And at the same time…Katie may not have been entirely wrong. It bothered him that Bob disapproved of him professionally. It bothered him more than he’d like to admit.

“Dr. Hughes,” was his only reply.

Then he turned and started walking. Bob kept pace with him. Reid glanced over, surprised to see Bob had a small smile on his face.

“I have a favor to ask you, Reid.”

“You can’t be serious,” Reid muttered.

Bob sighed. “OK, we’ve both said our piece on the matter, and we know where each other stands. Let’s just move on.”

Reid stopped walking and turned to face Bob. “What is it? The favor.”

“I’m meeting a reporter from the Chicago Trib tomorrow night at the Lakeview. They’re writing a story on the neuro wing, and I figured you’d be good for a few sound bites.”

Reid bent his head forward, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Bob, I don’t know how many times I - ”

“I know,” Bob said. “You’re not interested in running the wing. You’re still a knowledgeable expert in the field. Dinner’s on me.”

Bob didn’t even wait for an answer; he simply walked away down the hall. Reid sighed.


After lunch, Luke managed to actually work a little. For every ten minutes spent thinking about Reid or sex or sex with Reid, he spent maybe seven minutes concentrating on the Snyder Foundation. He had finished reading the grant proposal from earlier and made notes to ask for some more information on a few areas before approving it. He then decided to check his email.

Just as he was signing in, his cell phone rang. Luke held his breath even as his heart rate accelerated. He tried to convince himself that it wasn’t Reid as he reached into his pocket, but that didn’t stop the disappointment from rushing through him when he read the screen. Bob Hughes.

Luke took a breath and answered the phone. “Dr. Bob,” he greeted the man cheerfully.

“Hello, Luke. Sorry to disturb you.”

“Oh, not at all,” Luke replied. “What can I do for you?”

“I’m having dinner with a reporter at the Lakeview tomorrow night. I was wondering if you’d want to join us to talk about the wing, seeing as how you’ve played such a big role in it.”

“Uh, sure. Suit and tie?”

“No, no. It can be casual. Seven?”

“See you then, Bob.”

“Thanks, Luke.”


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