Consult (14/14)

Jul 24, 2010 14:01

It took a week to get things organized, but it was finally Reid’s last day in town. He had stayed in contact with his practice in Dallas, and they were gearing up for his return now. He planned to meet with Dr. Roberts to discuss all the open cases at Memorial, including Lily Snyder, and then he would sign off the patients to Dr. Roberts and his staff. And then he just needed to do his last-minute packing and get to the airport.

But first, he met Katie for coffee at Java. She was looking at him sadly, and Reid was worried he might actually have to deal with tears.

“I can’t believe you’re actually leaving.”

“Most people can’t wait to get rid of me. You’re the only one that wants to keep me around.”

“Oh, I doubt that very much.”

Reid sighed. “Katie.”

She held up her hands. “OK, OK. Only because I don’t want to fight our last morning together. I will say nothing.”

“I’ll believe it when I see it.”

Katie fake-laughed at him in reply and then reached into her purse.

“I have something for you.”

“Oh God,” Reid said.

She handed him a small box, and Reid took it warily. He removed the ribbon and then took the lid off. Then he rolled his eyes. He pulled a keychain out and held it up. The ring was attached to a small plastic pacifier.

“It’s something to remind you of Oakdale.”

“Mmm,” Reid replied, shaking his head in amused annoyance.

Katie smiled at him as she took a sip of her coffee.

“Anyway,” Reid said, reaching into his back pocket. “Here. Don’t get all weepy.”

He slid the small piece of paper across the table, and Katie stopped it quickly before it went right off the edge. She picked it up and turned it around to read it.

“A business card? You shouldn’t have.”

“That’s what I’m thinking!” Reid joked, then he sobered. “Turn it over. That’s my beeper number. Nobody has that, except the hospital and now you. You call that, anytime.”

Katie held the business card to her heart and smiled widely at him. “You can be expecting phone calls and emails and Christmas cards and maybe I’ll actually even come down to Dallas to see you.”

“I’ve created a monster,” Reid groaned.


The meeting with Dr. Roberts went smoothly, and an hour later, he left the other man’s office. He wasn’t really surprised to see Bob Hughes standing by the coffee station in the corner of the hall, pouring himself a mug. Even though there were at least three closer and usually fresher pots of coffee between his office and Dr. Roberts’.

“Ah, Dr. Oliver,” Bob said casually, falling in line next to him as Reid walked in the direction of his own soon-to-be-former office. “Well, this is it.”

“Yes, Dr. Hughes, it is.”

“And I don’t suppose there’s anything that would entice you to change your mind and make this arrangement permanent.”

Reid tilted his head to the side, pretending to think. “Well, let’s see. How about a state-of-the-art neurosurgery unit, a ridiculously outrageous salary, and a title with the word genius in it?”

Bob stared back at him for a moment, a half-smile on his lips. “You drive a hard bargain, Dr. Oliver. I can offer you a coffee mug with your name on it and free meals in the hospital cafeteria.”

Reid tilted his head back and laughed loudly. He stopped in front of his office and faced Bob, fighting the smile on his lips. “Tempting.”

Bob spread his hands out, wordlessly asking what can you do?

Reid sighed, holding a hand out to Bob. Bob clasped Reid’s palm and shook firmly. “You’re going to be a great doctor someday, Reid. I hope I get to see it.”

Reid rolled his eyes, letting go of Bob’s hand. “I get that, with the staff here, you wouldn’t recognize a great doctor if you saw one standing right in front of you, Bob, but I already am one,” Reid pointed out.

Bob nodded, amused at Reid’s statement of superiority. “You’re a great surgeon, Dr. Oliver. I’ll give you that.”

Reid shook his head. “What’s the difference?”

“Ah!” Bob said, raising a finger in emphasis as he started to walk away. “When you understand the difference…that’s when you’ll be great at both.”

Reid stared after him. After a beat, he turned around, opening the door to his office and stepping inside.


It took 15 minutes for Reid to pack up the things that had somehow managed to make their way into his office at Memorial. They all fit in one box, though, which was currently sitting on the edge of the desk. Reid took a deep breath, looking around the small room.

Someone knocked on the door, and Reid turned.

“Come in.”

It was Luke. Reid wasn’t all that surprised.

“You weren’t going to leave without saying goodbye, were you?”

“I spoke with your parents this morning. Dr. Roberts is up-to-date on your mother’s condition, which is that she’s well on her way to a full recovery.”

“I meant say goodbye to me, you idiot.”

“I thought we already did that the other night.”

Luke shook his head, walking past Reid and sitting on the edge of the desk next to Reid’s box. “You’re infuriating,” he informed Reid.

“So I’ve heard,” Reid replied, fighting a smile.

Luke looked up at him, sighing heavily. He shrugged. “Have fun in Texas.”

Reid nodded. “Good luck with school and everything.”

“Thanks,” Luke said softly.

“Remember what I said.”

Luke nodded once. “Don’t apologize. Save my heart.”

“That’s right.”

With that statement, Reid stopped avoiding Luke’s eyes and he finally looked directly at him. Reid softly smiled and lifted his hand to Luke’s cheek in an echo of the night Damian’s plan was thwarted. Luke blinked slowly.

“You’re going to break a lot of hearts, though, I think,” Reid predicted.

“What about yours?” Luke whispered.

Reid flashed him another small smile. “First one.”

Luke pressed his lips together, swallowing thickly. Reid shook his head, closing his eyes briefly. “Screw it,” he muttered. Then he brought his other hand up to Luke’s other cheek, holding Luke’s head still as he planted a hard kiss on his mouth. After a few moments, he pulled back. He kept his hands where they were and watched Luke. Luke’s eyebrows were high on his forehead, and his eyes were still closed. His mouth had dropped open in surprise and, Reid imagined, arousal. Luke’s tongue darted out, and he licked his lips. Reid leaned in again.


Truthfully, Luke was still reeling from the closed-mouthed kiss Dr. Oliver had just given him. He was afraid to open his eyes and find himself back in bed at Fairwinds, fantasizing about the doctor or perhaps having a very vivid dream. And so he was rather surprised when a mouth pressed against his own again. This time, Dr. Oli - Reid’s tongue softly touched his lips, tracing along the area that Luke had just licked.

It took a second for Luke to catch on, and then he did. He opened his mouth and Reid slid his tongue inside, thrusting slowly. Luke moaned quietly, lifting his own tongue to find Reid’s. They twisted around each other, softly rubbing. Luke breathed roughly through his nose, opening and closing his mouth languidly. He learned quickly the right amount of speed and pressure to give back to Reid. He could feel Reid’s hands thread through his hair, pulling at the strands as his fingers pushed firmly against Luke’s scalp.

And just as Luke finally relaxed his own hands - he had been gripping the edge of Reid’s desk - and reached out for Reid’s waist, the kiss ended. Luke leaned forward slightly, his mouth chasing after the warm, wet pleasure. But he couldn’t find Reid again.

Luke breathed heavily for a moment and then opened his eyes. The box that had been sitting on the desk next to him was no longer there, and the door to the office was swinging shut. Reid was gone.

Luke lifted his hand to his mouth slowly. He touched the tips of two fingers softly to the center of his lips. And he smiled.

The End.

That's right. The End.

Until the sequel.
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