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Jul 24, 2010 21:07

So, this 'verse has basically taken over my brain. Not only is there going to be a sequel, there is also going to be a "DVD Extra: Alternate Ending" sequel. You can choose your own adventure! ;)

First: The "official" sequel. As yet untitled. I just finished chapter five (and cackled maniacally at the last line) but I have real and fic work to do before I can really get it going. So I will probably not start posting until Monday at the earliest.

Here is a little teaser:

Bob laughed. “I’ve missed that congenial personality. Anyway, I saw your article in this month’s Journal of Neurosurgery. Interesting protocol.”

“Thank you,” Reid said cautiously.

“We’ve got a patient here who - ”

Reid groaned, covering his eyes as he leaned forward against his desk. “No,” he sighed, half-refusal, half-resignation.

“Noah Mayer,” Bob continued as if he hadn’t heard him. “College kid, fireworks accident. It’s ideal for your study.”

As for the alternate ending, let me explain. Young Reid and Teen Luke were never going to have sex in this story. Never. The structure of Consult changed a lot as I was writing it. In fact, it was originally set in present time with flashbacks to the past. But the tone and ultimate goal never changed: Luke coming to terms with his sexuality, Reid fighting his attraction and eventually growing as a person, both of them dealing with their rather inappropriate feelings and leaving each other on a bittersweet but hopeful note (before meeting again later in life).

And yet, so many of you were patiently (and not so patiently) waiting for it, and I feel a bit of a tease. And then, I had the greatest idea a couple days ago. It started out as a little porny one-shot, but the idea has grown, especially because I still think that Luke needs to mature a bit before it can really work, so we're probably looking at another multi-parter. I haven't started writing it at all, but I can tell you the first chapter will take place approximately six months and three weeks after the end of the last story.

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