Where to start? (1/?)

Mar 13, 2009 11:13

Disclaimer: All television shows, movies, books, and other copyrighted material referred to in this work, and the characters, settings, and events thereof, are the properties of their respective owners. As this work is an interpretation of the original material and not for-profit, it constitutes fair use. Reference to real persons, places, or events are made in a fictional context, and are not intended to be libelous, defamatory, or in any way factual.

I only own: Kevin Adams, Laura Adams and Julia Lien.

Huge "Thank you" for Patricia (my beta) for not dying! ;)

I wanted to try something new with that fic. At the end there will be some photos so you could check who is who. With every next chapter there will be more photos (of Erica's house and stuff like that). I must say that searching for them took me more time than whole writing part. Hahahaha... it's really difficult to find perfect kitchen for Dr. Hahn. ;) And at the beginning there was at least 5 versions of one of the characters :) but finally I've decided and I think it was a good choice. Ok I will leave this judging part for you. :D I will appreciate every comment!

Where to start? (1/?)

„Take these charts to doctor Hahn. These are her patients, not mine.” Dr. Kevin Adams, neurosurgeon in Johns Hopkins Hospital, a very tall, handsome man checked the charts that one of the nurses had given him.

“Yes Dr. Adams.” The young nurse started to walk.

“Wait!” He called after her. “I’ll give it to her myself. I have to talk to her as well.” He took the charts and headed towards the elevators.

A couple minutes later, he knocked on… he wanted to think Heaven’s door, because he really liked Erica, but sometimes it was only hell’s door. He knocked and waited for a reply.

“Come in.” A strong, but tired voice replied.

Adams opened the door and stepped inside.


“Patch?” She interrupted him sarcastically.

“Stop!” He sighed. “My name is Kevin not Patch. Stop it!”

“What do you want?” She asked not moving her gaze from her laptop.

“I brought you these. One of the nurses messed up something and gave them to me.” He tossed the charts on her desk.


“What are you doing?” He asked, and took a seat in front of her desk.

“Well, I finally sold my house in Seattle and now I’m looking for something new… here. I hate this hotel.” Erica wrote something on her notepad.

“Erica, you’ve been living here for over 6 months. Why haven’t you done this earlier?”

She finally looked at him and shifted on her seat. “I just wanted to close this chapter. And now I can open a new one.”

“Good.” He stood up. “So, I know that your shift ends in 2 hours. I’ll be waiting for you and take you to dinner to celebrate.” He smiled. “And!” He added quickly before she could disagree. “You can’t say no! You need to get a life Hahn!” He smirked and left her without a word.

2 hours and 23 minutes later, he was waiting for her in front of the hospital. Kevin knew she had to check something on her patient, so he just sat on the bench and waited. He liked Erica a lot. When she started to work in Johns Hopkins, he couldn’t take his eyes off her. Their first common surgery was a total disaster for him. He couldn’t focus. He is a neurosurgeon and he needs to be focused and this woman made it impossible at the beginning. He was trying to avoid her, but finally asked her on a date.

“Dr. Hahn. Erica… ummm… would you like to go on a… umm date with me?” Kevin asked Erica when they were eating lunch together.

“Thank you Patch, but you are too tall for me.” She said nervously.

“Don’t worry Dr. Hahn I will talk down to your own level.” He stood up clearly annoyed and disappointed. He hated when she called him Patch Adams. She started it when they had this 5 year old patient, and Kevin made him laugh when he imitated Erica.

Next day Erica came to his office and apologized for the way she refused his invitation. She said that they could go for dinner, but only as colleagues. He thought that it was better than nothing and that’s how their weird friendship started.

“High Tower, are you ready?” Erica appeared next to him.

“Yes. Sorry lost in thoughts.” He stood up and led her to his car.

40 minutes later they were waiting for their meals.

“I have something for you.” He reached inside the pocket of his jacket, and pulled a folded piece of paper.

“What is it?” She asked, taking it.

“Just look. I saw it today on my way to work, and after our conversation I’ve looked it up on the internet.”

Erica unfolded the paper and looked at it. Her jaw dropped.

“Oh my God. This is amazing!” She quickly moved her gaze at Kevin. “Thank you!” She smiled.

“You’re welcome. If you want, I can go and see it with you tomorrow. I have an early surgery, but later I can go and check out this house with you. It is my neighborhood after all.” He grinned.

“Yes, I would love to. And this house… Kevin, it’s amazing. Thank you.” She looked at the picture again.

“You will thank me when you buy it.”

The waiter brought their orders and they started to eat. The conversation was light. They were laughing over a few things that had happened this morning, when suddenly, Kevin’s cell rang. He looked at the screen.

“I’m sorry I have to answer it.” He said apologetically and Erica just nodded.

“Laura, what’s up?” He shifted on his chair. “Ok! Where are you?... which exit?... mhm… ok. Give me twenty … no 10 minutes, just calm down.”

Erica looked at him.

“Ok Laura, just wait for me, ok? I will call an ambulance. Just… what? Ok, wait!” He stood up and pulled his wallet to pay. “Erica, will you go with me, please? My sister had a car accident and there was a man who probably had a heart attack.”

“Of course. Is she alright?”

Kevin paid their bill and they ran to the car. On their way, Erica called the ambulance and told them about everything and that they would be there in 5 minutes.

When they arrived, the first thing Erica saw was a GMC’s pickup truck crashed on a small Ford fusion. A few cars had stopped, and people were running like crazy trying to help. Kevin pulled over and they ran to Laura’s Ford. She was behind the car kneeling near an old man who was lying on the ground.

“Laura!” Kevin called her. “Are you alright?”

Erica kneeled near the man.

“Sir?” She checked his pulse. “Sir, can you hear me?” She asked.

“AAAAAAAA!” The man yelled.

“He said that his chest hurts a lot and he can’t breathe.” Laura said nervously.

“Ok, Sir, you have to sit down. Kevin, help me!” Erica turned to her friend.

Kevin sat on the ground behind the man and held him.

“Sir, you have to breathe. I know it hurts, but you have to. The ambulance will be here in a minute.” Erica tried to calm him down. She turned to Laura. “Are you alright?”

“Yes. He was overtaking my car, when suddenly, he hit me. I managed to slow down a little, but he was too fast.” She said, nervously shaking her head.

Erica was watching her carefully. She had never met Kevin’s sister. Until now that is. She was a little shorter than Erica, and definitely younger. It was dark, but Erica could notice her brown eyes and light brown hair. She knew that Laura was still talking, but somehow Erica couldn’t hear her.

“You’re bleeding.” Erica blurted out.

“What? Where?” Laura started to look at her hands and checked her stomach.

“No… here…” Erica moved closer to the younger woman, and carefully moved a strand of hair from her forehead. “You probably hit the window and didn’t notice.” She looked closer at the wound on the younger woman’s temple.

“I have a first aid kit in my trunk.” Kevin said still holding the man.

Erica walked fast towards Kevin’s car. A few seconds later, they could hear sirens. Erica came back with the aid kit. She checked on her older “patient” and moved to Laura. The ambulance pulled over near them, and the paramedics ran to them. Erica told them everything she knew about the older man’s heart, and moved to Laura. Kevin told them that they still had to wait for the police and that they would come to the hospital later.

“It’s gonna sting a little.” Erica took an alcohol swab and started to clean Laura’s wound.

“How’s your head?” Kevin asked.

“Ok. I have nice care here.” She smiled to Erica. “I’m Laura, by the way.”

“Erica.” She smiled a little. “Do you feel dizzy or sleepy?”

“No. I’m perfectly fine.” She looked at the blonde. “So, you two are…”

“No.” Erica didn’t let her finish. Great! She hated this question. Almost every time she and Kevin were together somewhere, someone was asking them if they were a couple. The only worse thing was when it wasn’t a question, but a statement. Erica knows that Kevin liked it, but she didn’t. She’d never told him that she was gay. They never talked about personal life that much. “Does it hurt?” She moved her fingers to Laura’s cheek.

“No. Why?”

“You have nice bruise sister!” Kevin said coming closer. “You had to hit hard.”

“Is he going to be ok?” Laura asked Erica.

“He should be.” The older woman nodded.

“Thanks for coming so quickly. I’ve tried to call 911, but they kept me waiting. And there was a woman who also tried but it was the same for her.”

“Yeah, I called one of our co-workers in the hospital.” Erica said putting things back into the aid kit.

They were talking about what happened and didn’t notice another car pulling over next to them.

“Kevin?” They heard female voice behind them.

“Julia!” Kevin turned around.

Laura and Erica followed him. A not so tall, Asian woman came toward them.

“Kevin, are you alright? What happened?”

“Laura had an accident. Some guy had heart attack during overtaking.” Kevin answered.

“You ok?” She hugged Laura.

“Yeah. I had nice doctor.” She winked at Erica who tried to do everything to show that she didn’t notice that.

“We’re still waiting for the police. I think it’s not a good day for accidents. They told me that there’s no available patrol for now.” He snorted. “Hey, are you ok?” He noticed that her lip was cut.

“Yeah, so I’m here!” Julia smiled. “I was heading home after my shitty shift, because that’s what we all do in the police department. We are only counting the minutes until our shift ends. But I think I can take care of it.” She pulled her notepad from her pocket.

“Jules, there’s no need. We can wait.” Kevin laughed a little. “Erica, is that alright with you?”

“Sure.” She nodded.

“Oh. Sorry. Erica, this is my friend Julia Lien. She left Columbia when she was with me in our final year and went to the Police Academy.” He laughed. “Julia this is my… um… colleague, Doctor Erica Hahn.”

They shook their hands without a word.

“Ok, so if we have this entire circus behind, can you tell me what happened?” Julia asked Laura.

“Circus?” Erica asked herself. “Well and I thought that I was an antisocial person.”

Laura was talking with Julia and in the mean time, two assistance trucks arrived and after them, a police patrol. Julia finished with Laura when one of the officers came to her.

“Captain Lien.” A young officer saluted.

“Officer Hawkins. Can you please take care of the cars and do all the procedures? I have statements, but you will have to take one from the man the paramedics already took to the hospital.”

“Of course. Do you need anything else?” He asked.

“No. I will talk to the doctor that was here when the ambulance took the other man and that will be all.”

The young officer nodded and walked to his car.

“Dr. Hahn.” Julia turned to Erica. “Can I ask you a few questions?”

“Yes.” Erica simply answered.

“What time did you arrive here?”

“I don’t know. Maybe 20 minutes ago?”


“I didn’t have much time to look at my watch at the time.” Erica answered sarcastically.

Julia didn’t reply. She set her jaw. “So maybe you could try to focus and answer.” Her voice was dry and tired.

“I already told you that maybe it was 20 minutes ago.” Erica crossed her arms.

“What was wrong with the victim when you arrived?”

“He suffered a heart attack. Not big, but it was good that we came quickly.” She moved her gaze to Kevin who was hugging his sister.

“Do you think that this heart attack could have caused this accident?” Julia was looking at Erica, obviously irritated that the blonde woman wasn’t paying attention.

“You don’t?” Erica snorted. This woman was annoying her more with every minute. She looked back at the brunette and sighed seeing her angry face. “Yes, I think it was the main reason. And probably also the fact that he was driving too fast. But now it is your job to decide what to do with that.” She crossed her arms again.

“Now excuse me, if that’s all. We have to take Laura to the hospital.”

Julia only waved her hand and wrote something in her notepad.

Erica started to walk in Kevin’s direction. “Did she just wave at me?! Oh, I will show her waving! Just give me my damn scalpel.” She thought, clearly pissed.

They had been waiting for Laura’s test results for nearly an hour.

“Ok, I’ve had enough of this waiting.” Kevin walked out from waiting room.

“Do you need anything?” Erica asked Laura.

“Thank you. I’m ok.” She smiled and stretched her legs.

Erica moved her things from the chair next to her and sat on in. “All we know for sure is that you don’t have any concussions, so you can take a nap.”

“Thanks.” She yawned and leaned closer to Erica.

She was too quick. Or maybe Erica wasn’t fast enough to stand up. Or maybe she just didn’t want to move and avoid Laura’s head suddenly lying on her lap.

They had been staying in this pose for some time. Finally, Kevin showed up.

“She’s ok?”

“Yes. Just fell asleep.” Erica looked at the younger woman. “Did they tell you anything?”

“Not yet. I’m waiting for Trevor. He was paged to the ER. He should be back soon.” He smiled at Erica. “You should go and take some rest.”

“I’m fine. You’re the one who has early surgery tomorrow.”

Kevin’s cell rang.

“That’s Trevor. I’ll be back in a minute.”

Erica was watching him go in the elevators’ direction. Suddenly, she felt Laura shiver. The blonde took her coat and covered the younger woman who snuggled closer to Erica. She shifted a little to sit more comfortably and looked at Laura. Erica caught herself stroking Laura’s hair. She stopped immediately.

“Please don’t stop. That’s very nice.” Laura mumbled.

“I thought you were sleeping.”

“Well, it’s hard to sleep when you’re touching me.” She smiled.

“I’m sorry I didn’t want to wake you.” Erica looked at Laura who still was lying with her head on Erica’s lap.

“That’s not…” Laura sat. “What I meant.”

Erica froze. “What did you mean?”

“Oh, I think you know Doctor Hahn.” She smirked and moved closer to Erica.

“Are you ready to go?” Kevin appeared in waiting room.

“Yes.” Laura said walking towards her brother.

Erica also stood up and followed them thinking about her bed. Empty bed.


Kevin Adams 
Laura Adams
Julia Lien

new start, baltimore, erica hahn, where to start

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