Title: Later Tonight Written for: mundungus42 Prompt: McGonagall autoerotica involving an article of clothing 142 words, light R-rating, implied het
The piece of tartan was peeking from underneath a stack of letters.
Should she?
No. It was ridiculous to even think of. She was busy. She still needed to find that scroll, and besides, how ridiculous was it that a woman her age would still hang on to a kilt she nicked when she was 17.
Minerva caressed the piece of cloth, now shabby and worn, and remembered how strong his legs were, and how she loved to wrap herself around his body.
She took out the piece of cloth, and rubbed it along her neck and breasts, remembering how hot his lips had been against her skin.
Nonesense. The students needed her, and would be calling her at any moment. But as she looked at the piece of cloth, she tucked it under her pillow instead of hiding it away.
Written for: mundungus42
Prompt: McGonagall autoerotica involving an article of clothing
142 words, light R-rating, implied het
The piece of tartan was peeking from underneath a stack of letters.
Should she?
No. It was ridiculous to even think of. She was busy. She still needed to find that scroll, and besides, how ridiculous was it that a woman her age would still hang on to a kilt she nicked when she was 17.
Minerva caressed the piece of cloth, now shabby and worn, and remembered how strong his legs were, and how she loved to wrap herself around his body.
She took out the piece of cloth, and rubbed it along her neck and breasts, remembering how hot his lips had been against her skin.
Nonesense. The students needed her, and would be calling her at any moment. But as she looked at the piece of cloth, she tucked it under her pillow instead of hiding it away.
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