Cat's Birthday HP Drabblethon III

Apr 16, 2006 00:00

Sorted: 133 prompts. Blame the Cat(s).

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cat's birthday drabblethons

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Catnip, for Valis2 snakeling April 16 2006, 13:02:43 UTC

Recipient: valis2

Prompt: McGonagall harbors a secret passion.

Word count: 100

Rating: PG-13 for the use of drugs.


"Albus, I want you to do something. My dried catnip leaves have been stolen again!"

"Severus, my boy, I don't know what I can do to help you. I set powerful wards on your ingredient cupboard, and there are very few people who should have been able to get past them."

"Then it's one of those people! Why don't you confront them?"

"You don't seriously suspect Minerva of stealing your ingredients, Severus?"


Minerva expertly rolled the chopped leaves inside cigarette paper. She relaxed back in her seat and lit the joint. Nothing like a nice high at the end of a particularly tiring week.


Re: Catnip, for Valis2 gileonnen April 16 2006, 14:25:56 UTC
I love how Dumbledore obviously knows it's Minerva. Good job! =)


Re: Catnip, for Valis2 snakeling April 16 2006, 20:26:58 UTC
Minerva knows who to bribe ;)



Re: Catnip, for Valis2 amanuensis1 April 16 2006, 14:43:25 UTC
Minerva and a catnip fatty. *giggles insanely*


Re: Catnip, for Valis2 snakeling April 16 2006, 20:28:15 UTC
:P Thanks!


Re: Catnip, for Valis2 ziasudra_fic April 16 2006, 14:56:33 UTC
Hee! I bet Dumbledore gets a portion of the catnip for his part in the coverup ;)


Re: Catnip, for Valis2 snakeling April 16 2006, 20:28:37 UTC
You bet! :D


Re: Catnip, for Valis2 ex_ella_bane358 April 16 2006, 15:57:10 UTC
Haha, I can so see her doing this. ♥


Re: Catnip, for Valis2 snakeling April 16 2006, 20:28:55 UTC
Teaching is a hard job, after all :)


Re: Catnip, for Valis2 valis2 April 16 2006, 15:58:48 UTC
Hilarious! I can just see that happening. *laughs* Thanks!


Re: Catnip, for Valis2 snakeling April 16 2006, 20:29:08 UTC
Glad you liked it :)


Re: Catnip, for Valis2 mayhap April 16 2006, 18:44:40 UTC
Heeeeeeee. Oh, I can just see it.


Re: Catnip, for Valis2 snakeling April 16 2006, 20:30:32 UTC
Teaching is hard work, but it has its rewards ;)


Re: Catnip, for Valis2 josanpq April 16 2006, 18:49:52 UTC
I hear her! (Does catnip really work? Must try some, shouldn't it?)


Re: Catnip, for Valis2 snakeling April 16 2006, 20:33:10 UTC
No idea if it works, but it's legal :P


Re: Catnip, for Valis2 _hannelore April 16 2006, 18:54:09 UTC
Ha! :D


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