Cat's Birthday HP Drabblethon III

Apr 16, 2006 00:00

Sorted: 133 prompts. Blame the Cat(s).

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cat's birthday drabblethons

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demonqueen666 April 16 2006, 04:14:56 UTC
Recipient: hilarita
Prompt: flash-cards, anti-depressants and femmeslash, please!
Word Count: 145
Rating: PG-13

“What are you two doing?”

“Professor Lupin!” Harry looked up. “We were, well…”

“Looking for your stash,” Ron said flatly. “You know. Your meds. Your anti-depressants. Life like yours, everyone knows you must be on ‘em.”

“What?” Lupin looked at him in horror. “I am most certainly not! Why are you boys looking for anti-depressants anyway?”

“It’s…” Harry swallowed, his expression pained. “We found out what Ginny and Hermione are up to in the Astronomy Tower on Tuesday nights.”

“If I recall correctly,” Lupin began, “the two of them meet on Tuesdays so they can study.” Harry shook his head.

“They’re not studying.”

“But I always see them with flashcards…” Lupin stopped as Harry wordlessly handed him a stack of cards.

The flashcards were from a set entitled “The Advanced Sapphic Kama Sutra”. The illustrations were very…detailed.

The professor cleared his throat.

“Paxil or Prozac?”


ziasudra_fic April 16 2006, 04:20:07 UTC
“Paxil or Prozac?”

This is such a clever way of incorporating all the parts of the prompt! "Flashcards," heh.


demonqueen666 April 17 2006, 04:35:54 UTC
Hee, thanks. I try.


archon_mentha April 16 2006, 04:38:29 UTC
“Looking for your stash,” Ron said flatly. “You know. Your meds. Your anti-depressants. Life like yours, everyone knows you must be on ‘em.”

God, that's the most hysterical line - *loses it*


demonqueen666 April 17 2006, 04:36:55 UTC
Aw, you're making me blush. Glad you enjoyed.


pushdragon April 16 2006, 04:39:14 UTC
LOVE the punchline!


demonqueen666 April 17 2006, 04:37:19 UTC


gelsey April 16 2006, 04:46:22 UTC
I must say, priceless. Simply priceless. I ♥ this :)


demonqueen666 April 17 2006, 04:39:03 UTC
Glad you liked!


hilarita April 16 2006, 07:48:43 UTC
Oh wow, thank you! That's fantastic! I love the way Harry and Ron are freaked out by Hermione and Ginny!


demonqueen666 April 17 2006, 04:38:39 UTC
You're very welcome. I'd like to think in reality they'd be more turned-on than freaked but, eh, it was easier to do the prompt this way :P


zadcat April 16 2006, 07:51:57 UTC
Ha. Excellent!


demonqueen666 April 17 2006, 04:39:37 UTC
Thanks ^_^


flosspyromaniac April 16 2006, 10:44:43 UTC
*Gets back on her chair*
That last line just killed me.


demonqueen666 April 17 2006, 04:40:24 UTC
In denial until his fellow man is in need, eh? Glad you enjoyed.


gileonnen April 16 2006, 11:01:54 UTC
. . . wow, this is hilarious! A perfect punchline, and good writing all the way through. =)


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