Prompt post for "John/Rodney-It's only just begun..."

Dec 07, 2008 17:32

Here you can post ideas, prompts, requests for fanfics, art, vids or essays/meta for the Post-SGA McShep Fest. This could be anything from a simple one word prompt to a detailed synopsis.

Since working from a prompt is optional for writers and artists feel free to go wild ;)

You can post more than one prompt in a single comment (especially if they are short). But you can also come back and add another comment if you come up with more ideas you'd like to see written or made into art or a vid.

Writers and Artists: If you see a prompt that you will work on, you can answer the comment to let the prompter know. This is optional however and prompts can be taken by more than one person if they should feel inspired.

mod, it's only just begun mod, writing: prompts/ideas/requests

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