Interview Time!

Jul 23, 2010 16:56

1. How long have you been creating fan art or writing fan fiction?

Umm... Checks journal. Since sometime in December 2005, apparently, when after lurking for a few years, I was compelled to dive into Draco/Hermione by posting a fic at the dmhgficexchange. I know some of you guys have been doing this forever, but I never thought I'd last five years. I feel like I should do something special for my anniversay. *contemplates*

2. What drew you into fandom in the first place?

Sometime around 2002/2003, my sister started telling me about this great stuff called X-Files fan-fiction. Some of it is really good, she said. Ha, scoffed I, sure it is. I wouldn't write anything for free, to post on the internet.

But I had started sort of haunting Buffy forums, and eventually I started checking out the fic, and omg it was good. Then I discovered Sports Night fic and slash, and I was lost. When I stumbled into HP, it wasn't too long before I could stop myself from wanting to write and participate.

So yes, my sister was right (for possibly the first time). And while I have let her know that yes, omg, reading fanfic is great, I still haven't come out to her as a fanfic writer. Why not? We don't have time for the journey through my twisted psyche that answer would require...

3. Best thing about SGA fandom: go!

The quality of the work-art, fic, vids, etc. And the variety. I feel spoiled.

4. Are you a fandom monogamist or do you participate in other fandoms? Which ones?

I am so very, very monogamous. I can't give my heart to more than one thing at a time, to the dismay of my friends in HP. Although I have been going through a bit of a Sports Night renaissance lately. And I've been mainlining The Closer. is there a fandom for that? :)

5. Best thing about McKay/Sheppard: go!

The goofiness and banter!

6. Why did you decide to participate in McShep Match?

Honestly I didn't/don't have the time for it this year, but I am so dog-in-the-manger about this fest. I can't stand not participating. The very first mcshep_match is what gave me the courage to come out of SGA lurkdom and write my first McShep, Ascending Order lo these many years ago.

7. And how did you choose Team Work?

I, um, don't remember. Can you tell I'm more than a little loopy with deadlines now?

8. Best thing about your contribution to this year's Match: go! (Remember to keep your answer vague, please!)

The best thing will be when it is finished with a beginning, middle, and end. In terms of content, I don't know... maybe that it presents Rodney in a way we've never seen, afaik?

9. Where can interested readers/viewers find more of your work?

Right now the best way is through the fic list at my journal, but it's being glacially copied to AOOO.

10. A word to our sponsors?

I am sooo glad to be participating again. Thanks so much to the mods and the readers and the participants and everyone. *loves*

And horridporrid wanted to know: Do you outline and then stick faithfully to it, or do you have a vague idea with handwavey bits that get figured out as you go, or is it something in between?

I am a firm believer in outlining. I'd never have the courage to put words to paper (or screen) without an outline. I outline as completely as I can, though for prose I will sometimes get a little vague in the middle parts of the outline. (When I'm writing screenplays everything is outlined within an inch of its life.) I try to make my outline strong before I start writing, so I can stick to it faithfully, but shit always happens along the way, and I change it when I need to.

God, I don't know if any of this is interesting at all. I'm a lot more charming when I've slept, promise. If anyone has any other questions, feel free to ask in comments. And if you've read this far you deserve a reward, so here is a live version of Soul Love by David Bowie from the album "STAGE." It's what was on my iTunes when I started writing this and it's awesome.

Anyone connected with McShep Match as a reader or participant deserves a hug outside the cut, so *HUGS*


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