Interview! Be forewarned - I talk a lot.

Jul 22, 2010 01:06

What drew you into fandom in the first place? I probably would have been fannish about the X Files, if I had even the slightest idea about the internet back in those days. Instead, I watched it with my sister and we squeed about it together. Then, in 1999, there was this movie, The Mummy and I was crazy about it (saw it over 50 times in theaters - it was at the dollar theater across the street all summer). And that was the first time I went crazy over an actor too, watching everything Brendan Fraser had ever done, and joining a mailing list about him. My second squeeful TV series was my first real internet fandom: Buffy. I followed the show from the very beginning, but it wasn't until season 5 that I went on the internet and interacted with fellow fans (after the season 5 mid-season hiatus following The Body). I needed to keep in touch with the show over hiatus, and I discovered fanfic. It was brilliant.

How long have you been creating fan art or writing fan fiction? I switched the first two quesions because that one led so brilliantly into this one. I wrote a Brendan Fraser RPF piece back when the original Mummy came out that won me a prize! The very first fanfic I ever wrote! (The prize was a strip of actual film from the movie - long gone now, and the fic as well.) I didn't write any more fanfic until Buffy, when I attempted some fic to bridge the hiatus. It didn't work. What did happen, though, is that the Mummy 2 came out over that hiatus, and I started writing a script for the Mummy 3 (which, might I add, would have been a thousand times better than what they actually did for the Mummy 3). It never saw the light of day (thankfully) and neither did my Buffy fic (also thankfully), and I concentrated on original fic for a while after meeting some Lord of the Rings fans and squeeing about the actors. Then, Jared Leto with long hair came into my life, and I fell hard for Alexander (yes, the Oliver Stone movie). I've got a fair few short fics for that movie, and that's where my serious fanfic writing began. I tried a little LoTRiPS, but it didn't stick, and then a LoTRiPS fan introduced me to Stargate: Atlantis. (In terms of pure numbers, this means I've been writing fanfic for 11 years (whoa) and seriously for 5 and a half. Wow.)

I interrupt here to note: I actually wrote a fanfic at age 5 about Fonzie doing an Evil Knievel-type stunt and dying a fiery death. I remember my mother being very worried about it. I also wrote self-insertion fic for Star Wars and Little House on the Prairie and Lord of the Rings in my head right up until high school, when I had too much going on in my life to think about fannish stuff anymore. The answers to the questions above are about my adult experiences with fandom, but truthfully, I've had fannish tendencies for as long as I can remember. (And have been writing fic for 35 years, apparently.)

Best thing about SGA fandom: go! The people in this fandom are creative, diverse, intelligent and generally kind and welcoming. There is an amazing amount of fic, art, vids, podfic, knitted items, and just about any creative endeavor you can imagine (and the quality is ridiculously high - it's hard for me to get into other fandoms because of this - I'm spoiled).

Are you a fandom monogamist or do you participate in other fandoms? Which ones? I watch several shows fannishly and participate minimally in their fandoms (White Collar, Criminal Minds, Leverage, Psych, Top Chef, So You Think You Can Dance (don't judge me!), and most recently, Rizzoli and Isles), and a few movies (The A-Team, Sherlock Holmes, Star Trek, Die Hard 4, Fast and Furious), but the only other fandom I'm actually reading and writing a lot of fic for is The Losers, which came out on DVD yesterday and really pushes all my buttons. Even so, there's twenty-five or so pieces in my WIP folder, and fifteen are SGA. The rest are mostly The Losers, but there might be one or two from Criminal Minds or Leverage, oh, and there is a Psych one. Ask me about my Criminal Minds/SGA RPF crossover!

Best thing about McKay/Sheppard: go! I stand by my statement from last year: I ship John and Rodney because they have the strongest emotional connection on the show. It's obvious from very early season one, and only gets stronger over time. I honestly think they're both a little messed up, each in their own weird way that just happens to make them perfect for each other. Their idiosyncracies seem to work together. On the other hand, I wouldn't want to date either of those men, and feel sorry for the women on the show who do/have.

Why did you decide to participate in McShep Match? Because I was asked to be captain of Team Work, and how could I refuse?

And how did you choose Team Work? Ditto above. Though I have to say I took my captain duties seriously (before my work tried to eat me) and recruited like crazy, so it's hilarious to see all the interviews saying "kisa_hawklin made me!"

Best thing about your contribution to this year's Match: go! That I'm going to get it done? By the deadline? (I hope.) Maybe that someone else gets to beta...

Where can interested readers/viewers find more of your work? I am in the process of moving all the content onto AO3, so it's all over the place at the moment. My most complete index is on kisahawklin at Dreamwidth, there's a partial one on kisahawklin at Livejournal, and there are a few recent things that are only on kisahawklin at AO3.

A word to our sponsors? Thank you, trobadora and fluffyllama for being so wonderful and hosting this fest, and doing so much behind the scenes and just generally being awesome human beings. <3

Anything else you want to know? Ask away in the comments!


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