TEAM AWAY: Pound of flesh, "Little By Little To the Truth; or a Narrative of the Atlantis Expedition

Jun 17, 2008 19:53

Title: Little By Little To the Truth; or a Narrative of the Atlantis Expedition
Author: telesilla
Team: Away
Prompt: Pound of flesh
Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard
Rating: R
Warnings: None
Summary: It's 1904 and Lady Elizabeth Weir, Dowager Countess Menlow and Head of the Atlantis Expedition, is the widow of an English noble; Colonel John Patrick Sheppard, US ( Read more... )

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Comments 101

mamadeb June 17 2008, 19:39:22 UTC
I loved this story.

And I want more of this steampunk SGA universe. Please? More John and Meredith?


telesilla July 17 2008, 00:43:06 UTC
Thank you! And yes, I really really want to write more of this universe; hopefully once I've finished some other fic obligations, I can return to it. :)


almostnever June 17 2008, 20:02:13 UTC
I really like the contrast of all the differences of a steampunk time period/setting against all the similarities of the expedition. As well as the contrast of John's hotshot test pilot derring-do with his hesitation toward Meredith. The fact that Meredith feels no need to go by Rodney in this era is a lovely subtle touch, too.

All the little details like that really add to up more than the sum of their parts. I like that you have at least three senses of Away expressed here, not just with the AU but also because Rodney's been away, and needs time away from Atlantis to recuperate.

Plus, mmmmm, their first-time sex scene is so real and good.


telesilla July 22 2008, 11:57:50 UTC
Thank you! I really think that there are certain similarities between the attitude of the Expedition in our era as presented on the show and the over all Imperial attitude of England in the early 1900s, particularly the whole "White Man's Burden" thing.

I'm really glad the details show, I wanted them to be there so the difference in era was obvious, but they had to be things John would notice and actually think about.

So glad you liked this considering the help you gave me; it wouldn't be here without you. :)


ratcreature June 17 2008, 20:28:27 UTC
I liked this steampunk SGA a lot, especially the glimpses into their backstories.


telesilla July 17 2008, 00:43:51 UTC
Thank you! I hope to do more because they intrigue me a lot too. :)


gaffsie June 17 2008, 20:34:41 UTC
Oooh, this is why I love historical AUs: fancy titles, great clothes, and forbidden love. ;)

I really like the clever use of McKay's first name. Meredith would be a perfectly respectable name for a gentleman of that era.


telesilla July 17 2008, 00:55:27 UTC
*grins* I love me some historical AUs as well; they're so much fun to research and write. And of course the great thing about steampunk is that I can make things up too. :)

Glad you liked it! And yes, I couldn't imagine why McKay in that era wouldn't use Meredith.


bluflamingo June 17 2008, 20:37:43 UTC
I really love this setting; the bits of backstory to the characters and the expedition are really interesting. The contrast of Elizabeth's diary to the action is great as well, all the things she almost sees but not quite. I like that Rodney pulled himself out of the depression from being a slave, and that he wasn't tortured horribly or anything, just struggled doing it.


telesilla July 22 2008, 12:01:58 UTC
Thank you! Using Elizabeth as both a framing device and partial narrator was a lot of fun; I really enjoyed slipping into her formal voice. And unlike the more common modern fanon Elizabeth, I think that even a well-traveled woman of her era simply wouldn't assume that Rodney and John where anything but friends.

I had given some consideration to having Rodney's time in slavery be a lot worse, but in the end, I decided that he didn't need this huge burden of angst, just something that played on his insecurities.

So glad you liked it!


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