TEAM AWAY: Pound of flesh, "Little By Little To the Truth; or a Narrative of the Atlantis Expedition

Jun 17, 2008 19:53

Title: Little By Little To the Truth; or a Narrative of the Atlantis Expedition
Author: telesilla
Team: Away
Prompt: Pound of flesh
Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard
Rating: R
Warnings: None
Summary: It's 1904 and Lady Elizabeth Weir, Dowager Countess Menlow and Head of the Atlantis Expedition, is the widow of an English noble; Colonel John Patrick Sheppard, US ( Read more... )

team away

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Comments 101

tropes June 17 2008, 20:50:44 UTC
Oh my god steampunk SGA. I think I just died.


telesilla July 17 2008, 06:27:06 UTC
Glad you liked it! I've wanted to write Steampunk SGA forever, it seems like.


(The comment has been removed)

telesilla July 17 2008, 06:04:04 UTC
Thank you! :)


roaringmice June 17 2008, 21:08:09 UTC
Now this was unexpected. I'm normally quite wary of "historical fanfiction" or whatever that sort of thing is, because so often it's way more "schmoopy" and foolish than I can be bothered with, but I read this because it's part of this community, and this story surprised the hell out of me. I think I'm in love ( ... )


telesilla July 22 2008, 12:13:45 UTC
Wow, thank you for taking a chance on this. My main goal was to write a fairly typical John/Rodney fic as if Steampunk!SGA were the show we'd been watching from the beginning. And so I wanted to avoid as many historical romance cliches as I could. :)

I'm really glad the level of detail worked. It was kind of tricky because I wanted to make the era clear but still not go overboard; with it being written from John's POV, the only details I could mention were things he'd thing about.

Thanks for the great feedback!


pionie June 17 2008, 21:10:38 UTC
Loved it! Perfect for the Away team in so many ways, and I echo how much I loved Rodney calling himself Meredith. The marriage between then and futuristic, and AU and canon was brilliant. And how brave they both are - especially after John has just thought about how 'wrong' it all is - they trust each other enough to overcome that, realistically and tenderly.


telesilla July 22 2008, 12:17:48 UTC
Thank you! Rodney as Meredith was one of my first decisions about the story; there's no way a man of that era would have trouble with the name. And yes, John really did have his brave moment; being gay 100 years ago was a lot more complicated.

Glad you enjoyed this!


debris_k June 17 2008, 21:55:54 UTC
This was wonderful and marvelous and wonder and marvelous and marvelous and wonderful! Sequel is definitely a yes, please, pleasepleaseplease, but I'll settle for the eventual reveal and more fangirling.


Re: ♥ telesilla July 22 2008, 12:19:21 UTC
Wow, thank you! And yes, I really am considering a sequel or two; there's just so much more to explore in this universe.


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