Interview for enigmaticblues

Aug 07, 2011 21:03

I figure I'd probably better get this in under the wire.

1. What was your first fandom?

Technically, it was probably Batman, although I didn't even know what a fandom was at the time I started co-writing Batman/Catwoman fic with a friend. My first real fandom, when I knew what that actually was, was The X-Files. I was pretty hardcore.

2. How did you get into writing fanfic/creating fanart?

Pretty much the way you'd expect: I wanted to see something I wasn't seeing on the show, so I started writing fic. I wrote before I knew other people were into it, so finding fansites and reading others' fanfic was a revelation of the best sort. There were other people like me out there. But BtVS was the first fandom where I actually posted fic, and started to get involved.

3. Is SGA your main squeeze, or are you poly-fandom-ous?

I used to be serially monogamous, but I'm poly-fandom right now. Now that I'm out of school, I have time to watch more than one show, read lots of fic, and write lots of fic. But I love the Gateverse more than words can express, and that's the fandom I keep going back to.

4. What makes John and Rodney such an inspiring couple for you?

John and Rodney probably had more chemistry than any two characters on SGA. I just love their snark, and the possibilities are endless. I find them absolutely fascinating, particularly in the realm of fic.

5. Who's your favorite, John or Rodney (or both)? How come?

John. Sorry. I adore McKay, and I think he's freaking awesome, especially as I re-watch the series, but John's the one I identify with the most.

6. Where can people find more of your work (McShep or otherwise)?

I'm enigmatic_blue on LJ for fic, or enigmaticblue on AO3. Those are the best places to find my work.

7. Pick a piece/story of yours that stands out for you. Give us links and tell us why!

Hmm...I can't. I'm sorry, I really can't. I've got almost 200 fics posted on AO3 (and that only has about half of my Jossverse fics), and I like each of them in a way. But I'm really pleased with how my most recent SG-1/SGA fic turned out, but that's only the first part of a series, fair warning.

8. Finish this sentence: John and Rodney walk into a bar...

and John steers Rodney to a darkened corner table where Rodney can't be overheard talking about alien worlds.

9. What question do you wish we'd asked?

No idea. I'm on my second glass of wine.
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