TEAM TIME: honour among thieves, "Dreaming of Blue Skies"

Aug 03, 2012 16:06

Title: Dreaming of Blue Skies
Author: flitter_and_fly
Team: Time
Prompt: honour among thieves
Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard, side Teyla/Ronon, pre-slash Lorne/Parrish
Rating: NC-17
Word count: 17,275
Warnings: Language, Explicit Sex, Minor Character Death
Summary: John Sheppard was a rarity, a soldier modified not for speed and strength, but for a very specific skill set: the ability to enter dreams. But John wasn’t the obedient soldier the Nacon Armed Forces was hoping for, and, when he runs, he uses all of his experience to escape their searching eyes. Once settled into his new life as a thief, John thinks very little of his newest mark, the billionaire inventor Rodney McKay… at least until he enters McKay’s dreams for the first time and discovers a world that he’d believed only existed in fairytales.

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More details about the voting procedure can be found here.

Dreaming of Blue Skies


team time

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