NUTS! (really…that's a good thing)

Jun 06, 2007 18:18

I'm supposed to be working, but a "CNN breaking news" email sent me to the CNN homepage. I read this article about a 15 year girl, who disappeared a year ago, had been found in a secret room. Missing Girl found hidden understaircase It's one of those articles that you watch unfold on a TV show or movie, but don't fathom that it can happen in ( Read more... )

reading, standoff, news article, books, movies, kathy reichs, quizzes, jericho

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Comments 15

allbottledup June 7 2007, 00:12:40 UTC
OH wow... that story does seem like it's out of a creepy movie. Watch the movie "Gothika" if you haven't already. It's kind of like that article. I can't believe people do those kinds of things. Eek.

V for Vendetta is a FABULOUS movie. I went to the theatre to see that one.

Oooo, nice. More Jericho. I still have to Netflix the set of DVD's when it comes out. I know I'll like the show.

Hmmmm... Barnes & Noble. Food for thought on a Christmas present for ya. Ha ha. :P

Sweetness for Standoff on friday... we'll totally have to chat after we both see it.


mbeancntr June 7 2007, 01:42:35 UTC
I need to add Gothika to my queue. There were several from your scramble game that I need to add. It was just freaky.

I can't wait to finish V for Vendetta.

You'll enjoy Jericho. I know you will. I'm happy it is coming to DVD. *dances*

B & N is a wonderful place as is VS. ;) It's all good, milady.

I'm happy about Standoff but sad that they are going to cancel it.


remember remember the 5th of november gracefulshrimp June 7 2007, 01:23:13 UTC
ha i actually know someone who was part of the Peanut brigade. so cool.
for all the fans of the show, im glad it came back!

i didnt see cars, but i liked V for Vendetta. lots of great lines in it


Re: remember remember the 5th of november mbeancntr June 7 2007, 01:40:03 UTC
Yay for peanuts! It was cool and it paid off. That just makes me extremely happy.

Cars is very cute. I liked it.

Apparently hell & high water have struck because I'm not going to get V for Vendetta watched completely tonight. grrrr


buffyangellvr23 June 7 2007, 04:12:06 UTC
I don't know...I want to get into Jericho because I love post-apocalypse fiction but I wasn't drawn in by what I watched :(

I'm anxiously waiting for the copy of the V for Vendetta comic (1989-it's the movie's basis) at the library where I work to get back from interlibrary loan...haven't seen the movie but dystopian fiction is another like of mine. The movie may come later.

I got that email too but only read the story now. Wierd. They aren't even sure if she was held against her will or stayed freely but they're definately suspicious.


mbeancntr June 7 2007, 10:38:38 UTC
I'm sorry to hear that. I thought it told a very good story and loved watching each new ep and how the story changed directions. Plus it ended with one huge-o cliffhanger.

I'm sure you'll enjoy V for Vendetta. I didn't know there was a comic. Interesting.

I need to go read the updates on that story. I know last night they kept saying it was a "developing story" but I read that she was a troubled girl who had runaway in the past and how she probably knew the people who kept her hidden away. The article made the whole thing sound very disturbing. At first I wasn't going to read the article but then I did and thought, "Weird. This is only supposed to happen in the movies."


freespirit127 June 7 2007, 19:43:47 UTC
I knew there was a reason I liked peanuts! They just started to air Jericho here, and I think I'm starting to like it... some characters are already starting to grow on me. :) Plus, I'm impressed by some of the actors, mostly Skeet Ulrich and Shoshannah Stern.


mbeancntr June 8 2007, 00:45:52 UTC
That's great. Keep watching because it gets better & better. Skeet is awesome in the show.


freespirit127 June 8 2007, 14:55:25 UTC
Oooh I know... I ... acquired thefirst five eps online, so I know what goodness there's still waiting for me ;)

I like the way Skeet has developed. In Scream, he was just a pretty-looking boy... now he's a rugged rawr-worthy guy. And he has a great chemistry with Sprague going on ;)


mbeancntr June 8 2007, 15:21:41 UTC
It's addictive and lots of yummy goodness.

Yay. You like Jake/Heather. I think they are so cute together.


betray802 June 8 2007, 04:12:20 UTC
A couple of days ago, I saw an article on AOL about a teenage girl from NJ who went on a "School Supervised Trip" to Ghana, to distribute school supplies and AIDS relief supplies. Lo and behold, she turns up dead, drowned in the hotel pool in the single hours. Her mom said she couldn't swim, and would have had no reason to be at the pool at that hour all alone. Then come to find out that the kids were all up at that hour, while the so-called adult chaperones (who are now swearing upside and down that They Were In Charge The Entire Time) had long gone to bed. And they PROMISED all of the parents that We Will Take Care Of Your Children ( ... )


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