NUTS! (really…that's a good thing)

Jun 06, 2007 18:18

I'm supposed to be working, but a "CNN breaking news" email sent me to the CNN homepage. I read this article about a 15 year girl, who disappeared a year ago, had been found in a secret room. Missing Girl found hidden understaircase It's one of those articles that you watch unfold on a TV show or movie, but don't fathom that it can happen in ( Read more... )

reading, standoff, news article, books, movies, kathy reichs, quizzes, jericho

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betray802 June 8 2007, 04:12:20 UTC
A couple of days ago, I saw an article on AOL about a teenage girl from NJ who went on a "School Supervised Trip" to Ghana, to distribute school supplies and AIDS relief supplies. Lo and behold, she turns up dead, drowned in the hotel pool in the single hours. Her mom said she couldn't swim, and would have had no reason to be at the pool at that hour all alone. Then come to find out that the kids were all up at that hour, while the so-called adult chaperones (who are now swearing upside and down that They Were In Charge The Entire Time) had long gone to bed. And they PROMISED all of the parents that We Will Take Care Of Your Children.

So now I guess Ghana will be joining Aruba and my former stomping grounds of Vermont on Bill O'Reilly's boycott list. (My FoxNews-aholic Dad doesn't know that Mom, Sister Niece and myself are planning a trip back to VT next summer. Should be a nice explosion when he finds out. Speaking of Jericho, we live in Denver!) And the 'Adult Chaperones' of the trip get off scot-free, as well as the parents, who didn't know any better than not to allow their daughter to go on a trip to a place like that.

If my sister EVER says she's letting my niece go on a trip halfway around the planet like that, I don't care how much to so-called chaperones say they're going to be on top of things. I'mma call Child Services and have my sister turned in for being completely out of her tree. When Sister was 16, she went on a schoo-sponsored "tennis trip" to Jamaica. They were there 10 days, they actually played tennis all of four times, and Sister came back knowing that the Bahama Mama drink she was serving at Applebee's wasn't the real thing.

But the schools keep saying that We Must Trust Our Children To Make Their Own Decisions. Take a look at VA Tech. Those are the decisions the children are making.


***End rant***

Music: I Fell In Love Again Last Night by The Forester Sisters


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