Who: Medusa and Chrona, Fate, MAYBE OTHERS I DON'T KNOW
What: The newly arrived Medusa seeks out her child, Chrona.
When: November 21st.
Where: 1246 Williams Road
Warnings: Nothing yet, but it's Medusa, so possibly some kind of violence. WE'LL SEE.
Medusa adjusted well to situations such as this. )
Comments 28
That was when the knock came and she heard the person say the child's name. She looked from Chrona to the door and back to Chrona. "Chrona. I will be right back." Fate was unsure what to expect and was both worried and suspicious when she opened the door; she was also quite surprised to find the person to be a blond woman.
"Hello. May I help you?"
"I'm here looking for my child," Medusa said, silkily, taking a purposeful step forward. Chrona was here. She knew it. "I understand Chrona is here. Certainly, you will not stand in the way of a reunion between mother and child."
"You are Chrona's mother?"
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