Fandom roundabout of DOOM!

Jun 05, 2010 01:05

1. OK, I forgot about Kentaro, Takki, Jutta and Takkun's birthday, but seems that they had lots of work and fun! And Ba-chon's birthday is close, right? I wonder if there will be another Puroland Birthday event. xDDD Also seems that I forgot about Renji's birthday as well. >>;;
I wish Takkun's haircut doesn't look like Jaejoong's. WTF with those ( Read more... )

je i want my brain back, crushes made of fail, the insanity of k8 fandom, myuboys, meme, jdramas, lame recs, pureboys, kane-chan is love

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Comments 4

inarikami June 5 2010, 06:53:30 UTC
Oooh, Daito Shunsuke. Sullen pretty boy. He's so hot in Tumbling. <3333 Do they have a manly!friendship going on with Yamamoto Yusuke in this RESCUE thing as well? I may have to check it out.

I've never seen 1 ltr of tears, but one of my students gushed a lot about it (she likes Nishikido, but I just find his face scary)...but yeeeah. Probably irrational levels of angst material, but I heard the execution is nicely done.

Salaryman Kintarou is such a seinen manga (tough guys! fanservicy women! man problems! yakuza!) adapdation it's not even funny. Also the "let's rescue the company!" stuff gets old real fast. xD In fact this is the first dorama where I just.can't.follow.the plot. My brain wanders whenever they talk about Important Things. I just watch it for the yakuza!Ouji. :D

And yes! Moar Jutta for cute and earnest boy roles!


mayezinha June 5 2010, 16:03:46 UTC
In the beginning in the series, Yamamoto Yusuke is an island. Doesn't believe in teamwork and it's spents his time sulking, training alone and labeling as useless the rest of the squad. XDDD;;
Daito is more friendkly to Nakamaru, Hideo Ishiguro's character and Koga-kun. , as you can see in the screencap he's helping his team running laps. XDD
He's mostly a grumpy guy but inside, a softie. XDD;;

Yamamaoto Yusuke was good in RESCUE, but Nakamaru's bad acting spoils the series a bit.

Nishikido = scary. Especially when he uses his creepy smile. XDDD
Though there's something alluring about him (and because he's the K8 guy who happens to be EVERYWHERE), he's scary most of the time. I believe the peak of scaryness is Last Friends. DDD:
I don't really want to get too angsty, that's why I'm watching "light" dramas lately.

Maybe that's why there's barely any Salaryman Kintaro subs around?

I wish there would be more dramas for Jutta-kun! (especially popular series that can get subbed. XDD)


athena8 June 5 2010, 20:56:47 UTC
Lol! Love your answers to the meme. XD


mayezinha June 5 2010, 21:00:38 UTC
It was an embarrasing meme to phrase indeed. XDD;;;


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