Fandom roundabout of DOOM!

Jun 05, 2010 01:05

1. OK, I forgot about Kentaro, Takki, Jutta and Takkun's birthday, but seems that they had lots of work and fun! And Ba-chon's birthday is close, right? I wonder if there will be another Puroland Birthday event. xDDD Also seems that I forgot about Renji's birthday as well. >>;;
I wish Takkun's haircut doesn't look like Jaejoong's. WTF with those bangs? D:
It saddens me that Kentaro's DVD and Photobook seemed  to be a FC thing. Damn you, Kojiro.  ;___;

I know this is what you weren't expecting but:

2. Big ass rant on RESCUE

As I don't like KAT-TUN I don't know why so much Nakamaru love. DD:

He makes me think of this little dogs:

(And even when I like dogs, I don't like him)

They needed a "good boy" for the lead but his acting is really bad. You wanted a cute earnest boy?

Why not have him?!?!

Roomie said: "Don't ask yourself why when you're already watching >>;;".
In my defense, it's because we have preTumbling cast! :D:

Sulky Yamamoto Yusuke (I know that you would've appreciated more a push up screencap, sorry), grumpy but softie Daito Shunsuke, we even have a D-Boys!, Kaji (2nd Gen Momo in tenimyu) got a gig in this drama, and I'm embarrased to admit that Massu is nice.

Maybe too nice to have the Tezuka surname. It baffles me that he's so wasted in this series becasue he's Daichi's pillar of support BFF and he's the one to pat him in the back, say him to do his best, looks at him starry eyed when he talks about the importance of the teammates, though I suspect there was a time in which he was jealous almost asking "why not worry about meeee?!?!" but that's me overreading the subtext. XD;;
Now seriously, Massu's character could've been better, but he's stuck as the best friend character. Episode 5 was centered on him but still believe his role could've been better.
Did I forget mentioning Kaname Jun? I can't believe how he was like in 3 dramas in the same season, but we barely see him in any of them. But it doesn't matter because he shined in his bitchy yet caring glory. XDDD

2. Alien boy goes vampire: Koishite no Akuma.

When his fangs finally grow, maybe he'll sparkle as well!
I confess I downloaded it. The saddest part is that I believe that Nakayama Yuma is better actor than Nakamaru. That's really too much. >>;; Disturbs me as well that I recognized one of the Morimoto Bros. in the cast, and isn't the one on HSJ or the whatever the group he's in. >>;;
The Almighty Matchy reduced to vampire papa and being Yoko's starring (until episode 8!!!) still cardboardy, well...  doesn't help my case.
The drama is so camp that you don't know if laugh of it because it's so bad or becasue it's really funny.
Other actors in the cast: I wonder what Kato Rosa might think about after being in a drama with Kimura Takuya, being Nakayama's object of affection. XD;; One thing is Miura Haruma on Catch a wave, but a 15 year old... >>;;
Another guy int he drama: Kyo Nobuo, more famous for his Oscar role in Hana Kimi and a forgetable fangire role on KR Kiva.

Celebrity cameo by Takki. He didn't even neede to have a line, just show is fangs and look hot (and taller than Matchy O.o)

Even when Nakayama represents Osaka's new wave I wonder if he was going to end on NYC, why debut HSJ on the first place, they should have left Yay Yah Yah the way it was. But of course they needed to put Chinen and Yamada somewhere.
But this is me dwelling in old feuds as Hey!Say!Jump will finally release his album this summer.

3. Talking about summer, let's recap the JE summer drama list:
* Matsujun with Takeuchi Yuko (He probably begged his management to allow him to be in a drama with his major crush XDD)
* Nagase Tomoya and Ikuta toma in, Unubire Deka, a detective drama
* GM with Higashiyama Noriyuki, Tacchon (<3<3<3), Tabe Mikako
* ANOTHER detective drama with Masato Sakai (he was lovely in Himitsu no Hanazono<3<3<3!!) Nishikido Ryo and Anne (Srsly is this girl 24 years old? O.o)

4. Another inquiry for lame dramas rec list:

* Has anybody seen 1 ltr. of tears? I'm afraid I won't be able to handle that. I can see people dying in dramas but a brain tumour (as in Niini's SP) or the slow demise of a girl seems too much for me to handle. It hits me to irrational levels like 14 sai no haha. DD:
* We all know that nobody cared about Salaryman Kintaro, and even this season subs are a bit slow.
* I'm not a big Toda Erika fan, but many people says Liar Game is good. ¿any opinions?
* I'm considering about rewatching Ryusei no Kizuna, because the plots by Nino & co were loltastic, which remind me about a fic I saw somewhere. Also it has some absurd moments, probably explained further in the novel.

5. This week on Music Station: I LMFAO over Hey!Say!Jump's medley. I thought that Yamada was taller. Or maybe Hikaru, Yabu and the tall ugly one (can't remember the name right now) are really tall. And Chinen!! He sounds different in his Music Ultra Power solo line. What will be of him when his voice completely changes. XDD

And finally a clip of the SMAP collab with the juniors, so cute!! A million times better than that AKB48 thing.

As if this entry wasn't long enough, a couple memes:
6. On the "who to marry, shag or throw off a cliff" meme, athena8 gave me:
Kirihara, Chitose, Kuran Kaname. It isn't that easy!! XD;;;

Maybe is Kirihara is that annoying and Renji isn't around to keep him in line, I'd probably throw him off the cliff.

Depending of the fic verse, probably I'd marry Chitose, we can elope to Guam, live off pottery (hoping he'll do the pottery because my artistic skills suck). And I SWEAR I'm not doing this to be Tezuka's-in law ::crosses fingers:: And of course he's in my bed option. It's all about the music. And the L'oreal  sparkly radiation. XDD

And I'm choosing Chitose because Kaname has his head full of other issues to contemplate marriage, but if he agrees to sex me up, I'm not complaining.

7. And a killer meme that I'm leaving in the end so you want to stop reading. Or it can serve me as Kanjani8 pimping: Stolen from moka_n_waffles: (Definitely not taking the TV shows one) XD;;

30-Day 関ジャニ∞ Challenge

day 01 - Favorite Kanjani 8 song:
day 02 - A rumor about any of the members that left you an impression
day 03 - A Yoko picture you can’t take your eyes off
day 04 - Favorite song cover (sung by any member)
day 05 - Favorite Janiben Moment
day 06 - Favorite Member Engrish:
day 07 - Quote from a Non-Single Song (Album and B-side only)
day 08 - A Ryo picture you can’t take your eyes off
day 09 - Favorite Kanjani 8 PV
day 10 - A Hina picture you can't take your eyes off
day 11 - A Kanjani 8 member moment that makes you laugh your ass off
day 12 - Member/s wearing the Wackiest outfit you’ve ever seen
day 13 - Favorite Kanpani Moment
day 14 - A dream you had with a Kanjani 8 member, in great detail
day 15 - Favorite Kanjani 8 Quote (except from songs)
day 16 - An Okura picture you can’t take your eyes off
day 17 - The first Kanjani 8-related drama you thought of the moment you read this
day 18 - Fave OTP or Member-Ai moment
day 19 - A Maru pic you can’t take your eyes off
day 20 - A Fanwork (made by you or others)
day 21 - A picture of your Kanjani 8 Stuff
day 22 - Whatever tickles your fancy
day 23 - Chibi Kanjani 8 picture
day 24 - A Subaru picture you can’t take your eyes off
day 25 - Favorite Kanjani 8 Solo
day 26 - Favorite Concert DVD
day 27 - A Yasu pic you can’t take your eyes off
day 28 - Favorite Live Performance
day 29 - Favorite Group photo
day 30 - Whatever tickles your fancy

So the catch up goes like this:

day 01 - Favorite Kanjani 8 song:
Maybe my first favorite one is Big Sky Blues, first track of Zukkoke Daidassou. As far as I've seen the concerts (probably I missed it) there's no live performance of it, which saddens me a lot.
It must be the catchy tune. And because it talks about individuality and break the mold. Lyrics over here to not overload the text box. XDD

Try living your life the way you like, as if you were dying
And live a fuller life
Your job won't be able to embrace you
But if you look up at the sky then you'll get power that replenishes you
Wave a flag at the blue sky and go! Big Sky Blues

day 02 - A rumor about any of the members that left you an impression
For good or bad, Nishikido's bite victim. She even made it to the JE dating chart!! Only because of the lolz. Recently, Subaru's rear-ending accident and lately, Yoko's mother death.

day 03 - A Yoko picture you can’t take your eyes off:

Damn. I don't have that many pics of Yoko. ^^;; And the ones I chose are lame, I know. I like the hair on this ones.

day 04 - Favorite song cover (sung by any member)
This is difficult, because I don't watch Shounen Club. And I have two fail references: The version of Yozora no Mukou with K8 and  KAT-TUN. I never thought there could be such a meh SMAP cover. Even worse than KAT-TUN's version of Fly. >>;;

But on a positive light: "Omatsuri Ninja" at the countdown. But it's because of the ninja suits. I wonder if at the countdown concert DVD is extra footage of this one, because it was so fast.

Another cover: "Omatsuri Mambo" at the Nippon no Uta fest from summer of 2006. Just for the lolz and Subaru's voice, because the rest of the group only pranced around. And it says mambo! XDDD

Aand that would be all for the day. XDDD.

je i want my brain back, crushes made of fail, the insanity of k8 fandom, myuboys, meme, jdramas, lame recs, pureboys, kane-chan is love

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