Miss Mae de la RueOriginally uploaded by
KT BellI've continued modelling for a while since my last posts but have neglected to tell you all the stories! Shame on me! But in a change of pace, this time I'm NOT telling you about my nakedness, instead, I'm telling you about my scantily clad moments :)
It gives me great pleasure to introduce you to my alter-alter ego, Miss Mae de la Rue! Earlier this year, I had the opportunity to both pose and perform at my very favourite drawing class, Dr Sketchy's so i grabbed it with both hands and had an absolute ball!
There was a bit of a blue theme with a cute little blue dress with black lace, followed by the blue extravagance that is my 2010 Burlesque Ball outfit. I finished off the night in black lingerie and sprawling across the stage. I had such a wonderful time, it's completely addictive. I met a wonderful artist that I will tell you more about another time.
The point of me telling you about Miss Mae is that she is reappearing at THIS TUESDAY'S DR SKETCHY'S! Miss Mae will take to the stage with the gorgeous Miss Cherry Lush and it shall be Pin Up Heaven. So tonight I will be diving back through the wardrobe to find some appropriate outfits for Miss Mae to wear. For those in Sydney, I'd love to see you there, held at my favourite venue, the Arthouse Hotel, it's only $18 including a drink, and if you feel like drawing you can, or you can just sit and admire ;)
Go buy tickets and pull up a couch for a fabulous night of pin up fun!