On Fandom Reactions

Jun 22, 2010 11:54

My Big Bang icon has never been so appropriate.

I know a lot of people are tired of hearing about this. But I haven't stopped thinking about it. And so I'm going to say even more about fandom and how we talk about things like the latest unfunny business. If you're not interested, please do scroll on by ( Read more... )

racism, fandom, unfunny business, meta, rape culture

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Comments 49

vikki June 22 2010, 16:16:45 UTC
Hardcore concur.

I really can't say enough that running away is not all right. It's unfortunately extremely, extremely easy to do, and really tempting.

We're all here because we choose to be, you know? Fandom is an optional space. But if you have chosen fandom space, then you get both the good, and the fun - and the bad, hurtful, and offensive. There are people that have chosen this space in spite of the much higher potential to be hurt, and we should have our attention constantly drawn to this fact so that fandom as a whole can stop hurting them.

So I don't get the people that say 'we need to stop talking about racism, we need to be nice, we need to be fun'. Fandom needs to be aware. We like to act as if we are so progressive, so on-the-ball, so 'safe' - let's actually be that way, people!


maychorian June 23 2010, 12:47:24 UTC
You are absolutely correct, my dear. ♥ ♥ ♥ I really love that you only started reading about this a few days ago, and already you're a champion. It took me YEARS to get here.


rubynye June 22 2010, 16:29:52 UTC
I am applauding over here. Well and truly said.

(I surfed in via f-of-f)


maychorian June 23 2010, 12:45:56 UTC
Thank you! ♥ Though I've been reading about these issues for several years, this is the first time I've tried to post my own thoughts. I'm glad I'm doing okay. :)


chibifrieza June 22 2010, 16:31:27 UTC
And here's you, continuing to use your powers for good. <3 I agree with you completely, and these things need to be pointed out. Thanks for this post.


maychorian June 23 2010, 12:45:04 UTC
Thank you for reading and replying! ♥


littlepunkryo June 22 2010, 16:48:59 UTC
I was honestly surprised at the difference, too. I had a post pop up on my flist that was basically, "Why is nobody thinking of the author's feelings?" Like, really? That's what you think is important here? I almost get where they're coming from, because they were an author themselves so it was probably easier to put themselves into the position of the author than it was for them to put themselves into the shows of a POC, but that's kind of the whole problem in this case, I think.

I'm a bit disappointed, too, because this was another really great opportunity for fandom to discuss something and it basically got derailed almost from the start. And that's not counting the numerous "omg can we stop talking about this already comments I've seen/ :/


maychorian June 23 2010, 12:44:23 UTC
Yeah, the misplaced sympathy keeps coming up. it's so much easier to feel bad for the author than for the people who were hurt by her, because the author is more relatable for other white fanfic writers than a group of people they don't know. And yeah, that's a problem. I was always taught that we are one blood, one people, and to love my neighbor as myself, which to me, now, means being able to see who was hurt MORE and taking their side over the other person's, even if I feel sorry for them too. So that's what I've been trying to do.

The great conversations are happening! amazonziti had to make a second post to keep up with it!


tahirire June 22 2010, 16:50:06 UTC
Wait, is this about the old new thing or the new new thing? I are confuse.


maychorian June 23 2010, 12:40:32 UTC
This was started by the J2 Haiti fic, but it's bigger than that now.


tahirire June 23 2010, 15:25:53 UTC
Ah. So it's the old new thing. Carry on.


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