Other Stuff I Like

Apr 20, 2010 20:18

You know, when I made this journal, I called myself "the omnivorous geek," because, at the time, I totally was. I consumed all kinds of geeky, nerdy media and loved it all relatively equally. Then I went and started watching Supernatural, and, well, so much for that. I'm a one-fandom gal as of now, at least for participating, though I still read ( Read more... )

homg i'm sort of a weirdo, geekiness

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Comments 34

maskedfangirl April 21 2010, 00:46:16 UTC
My suggestions, based on what you like, would be How I Met Your Mother (comedy) and Dexter (serial killer drama). Both awesome in their respective genres.

But mainly I had to comment because of this:

Dollhouse left me pretty cold. (Loved Topher though, not gonna lie, despite what an awful person he was.)

THIS TIMES A MILLION. I'm so sad that Topher was a character on that show, because I found most of Dollhouse pretty repulsive and will never own the DVDs...but he's probably my favorite character to ever come out of a Joss Whedon show. I miss him but can't justify rewatching a show that makes me want to take a shower just to see him in action again.


maychorian April 21 2010, 01:14:43 UTC
Ahahaha, I watch both of those and forgot to add them! :D I think Dexter is particularly fantastic, and oh wow, the cinematography and the colors of that show, the way you can FEEL the heat, yeah, it's fantastic. I haven't seen the latest season yet, but I'll probably borrow the box set from one of my friends when he gets it. I have good friends for that kind of stuff ( ... )


maskedfangirl April 21 2010, 05:05:35 UTC
Hahaha, I guess I don't have anything new to introduce you to, then!

OMG THE LATEST SEASON. It might be my favorite so far. So much Dexter character development. And Deb! I love Deb so much this season! I'll say no more.

I think you just put words to how I've been feeling about HIMYM this season. It's just...sort of in an awkward, "Let's play out all our old tricks repeatedly" holding pattern. I still love it, but not as much as the earlier seasons. They need to introduce the mom already, and then maybe the character dynamics will change a little. (And YES to Barney. I'm so sad about him and Robin. He was this one-note character making a huge life change and getting an interesting character arc, and then...he was running the Scuba Diver play and regressing. Way less interesting. And BOOO because he was my favorite character while he was in love with Robin. :()

What series is Hardison in? I'm intrigued.


maychorian April 21 2010, 16:47:33 UTC
Mmm, yeah, I love Deb! I'm not in the fandom at all, but apparently some people don't like her? And I'm just like WHUT over that, because...DEB. ::flails:: Yeah she's self-centered and oblivious and kind of a bitch sometimes but...DEB. ::flails again:: I love her.

Adding the actual mom would definitely shake things up, and gah, this story is already excruciatingly drawn out. But yeah, Barney disappoints me the most. He's certainly the break-out character on the show, and I was able to ignore a lot of his unsavory behavior because I enjoyed him so much (and NPH is a charming, charming fellow, after all), but I think I've just had enough. They had a real chance to let Barney grow up and THEY DIDN'T. He got even worse! So, so disappointed. ::waggles a finger at the writers::

Hardison is in Leverage! I love him so much! He is the computer hacker/nerd, and he is made of love. HE IS ONE OF US. He references Doctor Who and Star Wars and he plays WoW and just...NGH. I love him so much. Parker, too, and their interaction makes me flaily with ( ... )


gleeker13 April 21 2010, 00:55:27 UTC
So if our lives were made into a venn diagram, pretty much EVERYTHING would be in the 'shared' space. Most of the stuff you listed I either think is awesome/have heard very good things about, and you are awesome for liking it.

Pretty much the only thing that jumps out is that I'm not a LoTR fan. Haven't summed up the courage to try reading the books, and the movies all blur together in my mind. And I've never been all that into RPG stuff, but I don't dislike it.

All in all, I think we would be extremely good friends.


maychorian April 21 2010, 01:20:53 UTC
I first read LotR when I was about...twelve, I think? I'd always been a big fan of fantasy, and I heard that these were good ones, so I asked my parents for a box set for Christmas one year. And yeah, I read the whole thing in the week after Christmas. I can remember sitting in an armchair in my grandparents' living room (we went to their house in Illinois every Christmas) with a mug of hot cider at my elbow and my eyes glued on the book in my hands. Oh wow. It was a fantastic experience. For awhile I re-read the books about once a year, just because I loved them so, but I haven't done that for awhile ( ... )


half_vulcan April 21 2010, 00:58:54 UTC
OK Star Trek has been my first love sine I was 9 and I am 46 now. Spock got me through a terrible childhood, not my family, the kids at school.

SG1, SG Atlantis, and Stargate Universe are on the list. Torchwood, Dr. Who, Supernatural and Vampire Diaries, Merlin, V, The Tudors, Gossip Girl and Greek ...I know *face palm* My daughter makes me watch them.

Being Human, Fringe, Flash Forward, Ghost Whisperer, Spartacus Blood and Sand, Sanctuary, Smallville, True Blood.

Well that is my list of television. Obviously I can not watch them all or record them all simultaneously so I download episodes from eztv.it and save and watch as I can. I collect my favorite series and watch and delete the others. If I had to recommend anything on the list other than SPN I would say Fringe, Flash Forward and True Blood.


maychorian April 21 2010, 01:25:22 UTC
Oh, yes, I really enjoyed Torchwood, too. I want to watch Vampire Diaries and V sometime, and the Tudors looks intriguing--I love history. I tried an ep of Gossip Girl and it just wasn't for me. Don't know anything about Greek, though.

Yes, I want to try Being Human and Fringe! I lost track of Flash Forward but I'll probably download it eventually. Never heard of Spartacus Blood and Sand. Watched the Sanctuary pilot and was unimpressed, and I watched the first season of Smallville and didn't like that, either--too much teenybopper drama. True Blood looks really cool, though.

Um...I don't mean to put down anything you like, these are just my fly-by opinions. We definitely have a lot in common! And yeah, it's downloading for me, too.


half_vulcan April 22 2010, 02:49:37 UTC
Oh Girl! I don't feel put down by you ever! It is all about being honest and giving honest feed back. Just so you know, I was not into Smallville until last season. It has gotten MUCH better than when it first started. As for Gossip Girl, that is bonding time with my wanna be upper east sider daughter. LOL

Spartacus is on HBO you can DL it from eztv.it It is based loosely in the Roman slave uprising started by Spartacus. I started Sanctuary because Amanda Tapping from SG1 was in it and I just got hooked.

Definitely catch up with True Blood if you can. It is awesome. Vampires for grown ups. None of the Twilight sparkling or Vampire Diaries teenage angst.

Greek is about a college and the students that are involved in frats and sororities and with each other. Being Human is awesome and so is Fringe. So if you get a chance DL them.

If you are into history after the Tudors goes off the people who produced it are doing The Borias next so look for that. The BBC did a production of the Borgias too that was very good.

*Virtual Hugs at


jujuberry136 April 21 2010, 01:03:11 UTC
You totally need to see Angel: The Series, if only for the 5th (and final) season line, "You're a wee little muppet man!"


Such a great series.

Also? Have you watched Primeval? It's sort of Torchwood meets Jurassic Park. If you have Netflix you can watch the entire show (3 seasons, waiting for another year for the 4th) instantly. Yay! It's not what I would call "good" per se, but it is a whole bunch of fun.

Plus I really think you'll like Connor based on your list (which overlaps with mine pretty easily).

And Criminal Minds is awesome too!


maychorian April 21 2010, 01:27:41 UTC
Haha, yeah, I want to watch AtS sometime, if only because I know Chris Kane plays a character on it, and Cordelia gets to have some major character stuff, which I would love.

Primeval sounds really cool! I hadn't heard of it before but that sounds really fun. And yeah, I do have Netflix! I've been using it to watch all kinds of stuff I couldn't before.

Criminal Minds is ♥. Creepy, gory ♥, but still ♥.


kwhiteshark April 21 2010, 06:14:31 UTC
That is the best line EVER from AtS! And seconding Primeval! Criminal Minds had me at Spencer Reid, lol.


(The comment has been removed)

maychorian April 21 2010, 16:56:56 UTC
Merlin is one of my fun, cracky side shows that I watch to get a break from the unrelenting angst of SPN, haha. :D I love all the characters and their interactions, while acknowledging how absurd it all is. I even had fic ideas once upon time, before I became completely and fully obsessed with SPN. It's probably just as well I never wrote them--they were all tired old h/c cliches, anyway.

Mmm, Hustle sounds interesting! I'm a fan of the Ocean's 11 movies and similar clever heist capers. They're fun escapism, and I like ensemble casts with fun interaction. And yes, I loved Sandman, so a series fleshing out the Lucifer from that canon would be a good read. And yeah, lots of interesting parallels with the SPN Lucifer, though of course most of that draws originally from Milton. Which I read in high school, but I should re-read it sometime, if only for research for SPN.

Thank you! Indy and his sadface are probably my favorite non-SPN icon. :D


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