Other Stuff I Like

Apr 20, 2010 20:18

You know, when I made this journal, I called myself "the omnivorous geek," because, at the time, I totally was. I consumed all kinds of geeky, nerdy media and loved it all relatively equally. Then I went and started watching Supernatural, and, well, so much for that. I'm a one-fandom gal as of now, at least for participating, though I still read fic and enjoy art in other fandoms.

So, here's kind of a run-down of stuff that I like. Feel free to start conversations with me about any of these--I probably have opinions somewhere, though most of them are along the lines of, "Oooh, I like that!"

My past fandoms were Stargate SG-1 and Star Wars, though most of the fic I wrote for SW was prequel-prequel-era, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan when Obi was a kid. Either that or earlier, when I was about sixteen, I wrote a bunch of Rebellion-era OC stuff. Which I did not know at the time was not popular. ::shrugs::

Current TV Shows I Watch:
The Big Bang Theory
White Collar
Criminal Minds
Doctor Who

I also like the new Star Trek movie and sometimes read stuff for that, and I'm a big fan of comic book movies like Iron Man, the X-Men, etc., though the Batman family will always be my favorite, particularly Tim Drake as Robin. I loved Sherlock Holmes. I love Pixar movies and think they're absolutely brilliant, though I wish they would have more female protagonists. I LOVE the Lord of the Rings, though I cannot be fannish about that, can't even bring myself to read fic, because to me the canon is perfect and I cannot imagine tarnishing it. (Though my one solitary Mary Sue fic that I wrote when I was thirteen was set after Return of the King. That was before the movies came out!) Same for Narnia. I even read some SGA, though I STILL haven't seen the show past the second season. I adore Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Firefly/Serenity and Dr. Horrible with a passion, though I haven't gotten around to watching Angel the Series yet and Dollhouse left me pretty cold. (Loved Topher though, not gonna lie, despite what an awful person he was.) I like Harry Potter, too, though JK Rowling was in serious need of an editor by, oh, about book 4.

I play D&D and other RPGs and several geeky-type games like ZOMBIES and Killer Bunnies and Three-Dragon Ante and so on. I have two groups of gamer friends I meet with weekly--in one of them I am currently DMing a 3.5 Dungeons & Dragons campaign, and in the other we are currently playing a KotOR-era Star Wars campaign in which I am a Togruta Jedi named Taak Leela.

I play Guitar Hero and Rock Band and Dance Dance Revolution. These are my favorite ways to exercise.

I like Stephen King and Neil Gaiman and Madeleine L'Engle and Orson Scott Card and a whole host of other fantasy/SF writers. I love Discworld and Arthur Dent and the Wizard of Oz and Alice in Wonderland (the books) and I think a lot of Tim Burton's stuff is pretty nifty, especially Big Fish (with Ewan MacGregor, possibly my first celebrity crush of all time, and hell yes that was because of young Obi-Wan).

This is not a comprehensive list, but my mind is blanking.

So, what are you into? Anything not listed here that you think I would like? Not that I make any guarantees to get into anything new at this time, of course. My mind is pretty much all SPN all the time.

ETA: Forgot anime! I love Cowboy Bebop. LOVE. Samurai Champloo, too. I love Full Metal Alchemist. I really liked Trigun. Outlaw Star didn't do much for me but I enjoyed it. I tried watching some Naruto but didn't get very far yet. I've watched Kenshin and Ah! My Goddess. Oh, and some Sailor Moon, even, because I think the Magical Girl trope is kind of cool. Neon Genesis Evangelion is effed up. Ghost in the Shell is pretty brilliant. Haven't managed to get my hands on a full set of Macross. Can't remember anything else right now.

ETA 2: People reminded me to add Torchwood, Dexter, and How I Met Your Mother. I've also always been a Star Trek fan, especially TNG because that's what was on in my formative years, but I like pretty much all of it. Oh, and Miyazaki films! Miyazaki is awesome.

homg i'm sort of a weirdo, geekiness

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