Mar 26, 2010 14:02

Castiel-Centric BAMF & Schmoop Fic, Art, and Vid Party

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commentfic, castiel, it's a party all up in here, memes, supernatural

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POETIC JUSTICE; Sam, Dean, Castiel; PG for language; Warning: Poetry. chibifrieza April 6 2010, 18:35:30 UTC
[Note: I had to modify the double dactyl because I didn't really have enough double-dactylic names to work with, so I just dispensed with the second-line subject/name requirement for most of them. There is still one true double dactyl in there, though, so I didn't entirely cop out. ^_ ( ... )


POETIC JUSTICE [2/13]; Sam, Dean, Castiel; PG for language; Warning: Poetry. chibifrieza April 6 2010, 18:39:44 UTC
In the morning, Sam woke up still crabby. As neither of them was a morning person, nobody spoke until Castiel joined them suddenly, as they were about to leave for the diner down the street ( ... )


POETIC JUSTICE [3/14]; Sam, Dean, Castiel; PG for language; Warning: Poetry. chibifrieza April 6 2010, 18:43:50 UTC
Back at the library, Dean stormed the main desk. In a stroke of good fortune, the librarian from yesterday was there, busy with filing. She looked up as he approached, and smiled. It wasn’t a very nice smile ( ... )


POETIC JUSTICE [4/14]; Sam, Dean, Castiel; PG for language; Warning: Poetry. chibifrieza April 6 2010, 18:45:36 UTC

His hopes were dashed upon stepping out of the bathroom and finding his brother awake.

“So help me,” said Dean, “if it’s limericks today,
I’m hunting that bitch down, and she will pay.”

Realisation crossed his face, followed closely by disgust.

“I guess,” Sam hazarded, “we say as little as we can
to anyone who isn’t us. Aw, manCastiel arrived just then with diner take-out: strawberry pancakes for Sam, eggs, bacon and hash browns for Dean, and two tall paper cups of coffee ( ... )


POETIC JUSTICE [5/15]; Sam, Dean, Castiel; PG for language; Warning: Poetry. chibifrieza April 6 2010, 18:51:43 UTC
That day, they figured out the whole pattern. The sacrificial victims had been killed in a rotating schedule from year to year: spring of one year, summer of the next, and finally autumn, followed by a victimless year. It was Dean who pointed out that those were leap years, but nobody could figure out the significance of that ( ... )


POETIC JUSTICE [6/15]; Sam, Dean, Castiel; PG for language; Warning: Poetry. chibifrieza April 6 2010, 18:52:59 UTC
So they went for the nonchalantly invasive route, doing their just-out-enjoying-the-afternoon thing when in plain view, peering into and occasionally jimmying windows in the shadows when they came upon something suspicious. Castiel made an independent examination of the town, periodically checking back with the Winchesters ( ... )


POETIC JUSTICE [7/16]; Sam, Dean, Castiel; PG for language; Warning: Poetry. chibifrieza April 6 2010, 18:56:03 UTC


POETIC JUSTICE [8/16]; Sam, Dean, Castiel; PG for language; Warning: Poetry. chibifrieza April 6 2010, 19:02:59 UTC
It took longer than they’d hoped to find their librarian - Emily was her name. They weren’t about to ask at the desk for her whereabouts, so they were reduced to methodically combing the stacks. Eventually she turned up shelving paperbacks in the Young Adult area ( ... )


POETIC JUSTICE [9/16]; Sam, Dean, Castiel; PG for language; Warning: Poetry. chibifrieza April 6 2010, 19:06:23 UTC
They met up as agreed, and Emily followed Sam and Dean out of the library into the dazzle of the bright spring afternoon. Halfway down the steps, she stopped them ( ... )


POETIC JUSTICE [10/16]; Sam, Dean, Castiel; PG for language; Warning: Poetry. chibifrieza April 6 2010, 19:08:22 UTC
Dean was already up and dressed when Sam woke up. Two days until Beltane, and a cocky librarian virgin sacrifice to keep an eye on ( ... )


POETIC JUSTICE [11/16]; Sam, Dean, Castiel; PG for language; Warning: Poetry. chibifrieza April 6 2010, 19:09:36 UTC
The first of May dawned behind cloud cover, an inauspicious portent if ever Sam had seen one. However, it was apparently supposed to clear up around noon, which meant that any rituals being planned for the evening wouldn’t have to relocate. That would have been a complication they could definitely do without. Meanwhile, they had a pretty good idea of the location of the sacrifices from tailing the Colemans, so that was under control ( ... )


POETIC JUSTICE [12/16]; Sam, Dean, Castiel; PG for language; Warning: Poetry. chibifrieza April 6 2010, 19:10:43 UTC
Typically the victims disappeared in the afternoon of the day on which they were murdered; that gave them the morning to prepare. The three of them went first to the library, just for peace of mind. Emily gave them a wave and a cheerful grin from the other end of a long aisle; they didn’t bother trying to talk to her. Retreating back outside, they crossed the street to a small playground, currently deserted. Castiel perched on top of the merry-go-round; Dean and Sam each took a swing ( ... )


POETIC JUSTICE [13/16]; Sam, Dean, Castiel; PG for language; Warning: Poetry. chibifrieza April 6 2010, 19:12:03 UTC
Emily took their company with good grace. That is to say, she laughed in their faces first, and then ignored them. Sam was just glad she hadn’t insisted they leave her alone. They shadowed her through the rest of her work day, hovering near the desk while she did paperwork, covering both ends of the aisle when she was shelving, and generally not letting her out of their sight. None of the known initiates showed up, but they couldn’t let their guard down; they didn’t know how many others there might be ( ... )


POETIC JUSTICE [14/16]; Sam, Dean, Castiel; PG for language; Warning: Poetry. chibifrieza April 6 2010, 19:13:06 UTC
Too much time had passed. He could tell without even opening his eyes. They’d outsmarted him, outmaneuvered him, and now they had Emily and she was going to die ( ... )


POETIC JUSTICE [15/17]; Sam, Dean, Castiel; PG for language; Warning: Poetry. chibifrieza April 6 2010, 19:14:52 UTC
They didn’t have to wait long. As the sky darkened, the robed figures formed a circle and Greg and Laurie raised their clasped hands in preparation. For what, Sam never found out, because in that moment, Castiel appeared in the centre of their circle, right next to the altar, which he toppled with a casual sweep of his arm. The torch flickered wildly and one of the initiates flinched visibly ( ... )


POETIC JUSTICE [16/17]; Sam, Dean, Castiel; PG for language; Warning: Poetry. chibifrieza April 6 2010, 19:16:17 UTC
About halfway back to Emily’s house, the paralysis seemed to lift, and she began to move in Sam’s arms ( ... )


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