Supernatural 5.10 Meta & Picspam Part 3

Nov 29, 2009 13:00

Usual caveat lector: I am pro-pretty-much-everybody. Yes, even him. I especially love Dean. And Sam. And Castiel. And Bobby. And John. And Ellen. And Jo. And Ruby. And Bela. And Andy, Ash, Ava, Gordon, Victor, Rufus, Missouri, Jimmy, Amelia, Claire, Anna, Zachariah, Uriel, Meg, Azazel, Sarah, Lucas, Ben, Lisa, Kubrick, Travis, Jim, Caleb, Josh, ( Read more... )

picspam, meta, meta rec, supernatural ep

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Comments 13

tabaqui November 29 2009, 18:21:52 UTC

Your meta has made me cry three times, but that's okay. It was an episode worthy of tears. Damnit.

Sam bent on vengeance, righteous justice, well...yes. Fucking scary. And i think he tends to hit these things like an atom bomb, mess and light and glory and horror, everything fucked up for miles around.

Only this time, i hope he doesn't leave Dean behind. Please have learned that lesson, Sam!
*holds tight to Show*

I luff it so much.
*goes back to re-read*


faryfly November 29 2009, 18:26:15 UTC
You're so made of win. I'm totally reccing these picspams, btw.


chiiyo86 November 29 2009, 18:28:56 UTC
Thank you for the lovely picspam, and for the recs - some I have read, some I have not.

I have also read various opinions on the mysogynisitic issue, and all it does is making me feel exhausted and miserable, and vaguely guilty. So I'm glad you choose not to discuss it. :) (but it you had chosen to discuss it, it would have been perfectly fine, too! Argh, don't mind me)


just_ruth November 29 2009, 18:34:41 UTC
My opinions are changing - I still refuse to forgive Kripke for bringing these characters back to kill, but the whole thing no longer seems pointless or worse, a pandering to the unholy fangirl who have the gall to rejoice at their deaths.



phorenice November 29 2009, 19:01:14 UTC
1. Jellybeans would make awesome last words.
2. Well, we still have more than 1/2 season to go, so if they had killed Lucifer now that would have been awkward. (But I wouldn't have put it past Kripke: "See, we can kill our big bad villain off mid-season. How's that for a surprise?")
But more importantly: Dean didn't miss! (Did anyone count the don't-misses before that shot?) But I, too, shouted at the screen: "Stop talking! SHOOT!" IRL.
3. This picspam-meta rocked and if I listed everything you mad me think about with it. This reply would get a little long, and I'm running out of time. So I'm just going to stop now. :)

Thanks for sharing this!


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