Supernatural 5.10 Meta & Picspam Part 1

Nov 25, 2009 23:53

Usual caveat lector: I am pro-pretty-much-everybody. Yes, even him. I especially love Dean. And Sam. And Castiel. And Bobby. And John. And Ellen. And Jo. And Ruby. And Bela. And Andy, Ash, Ava, Gordon, Victor, Rufus, Missouri, Jimmy, Amelia, Claire, Anna, Zachariah, Uriel, Meg, Azazel, Sarah, Lucas, Ben, Lisa, Kubrick, Travis, Jim, Caleb, Josh, ( Read more... )

picspam, meta, supernatural ep

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Comments 10

cryptonomicon63 November 26 2009, 16:33:19 UTC
"But it also made me so sad. How could you think of yourself like this, my darling? You're worth so much more. And yeah, Dean's still thinking like a tactician. Me likey, even as it makes me do the woobie eyes of WOE"...

Totally there with you. It jarred my soul to see he still thinks so little of himself and of his death... his -first-death almost unraveled everybody who knew him and loved him.. what can be done to make him love himself a little bit? *frustration*


tabaqui November 26 2009, 20:04:44 UTC
That little look he gives Jo as he says he thinks he's starting to feel something, well... It's a little bit seeking approval and a little bit eagerness to experience the human sensation of being tipsy and a lot of just...liking them. A lot. A whole lot.

Ah, man. Yes, yes, so much yes. He *is* all alone, and that hurts. And oh man. Jo. Ellen. Just....
*cries a little*

It sucks, it had to happen, i *hate* it, just...argh!
I love your review.


may7fic November 27 2009, 04:12:05 UTC
Totally ♥ this and am looking forward to the rest :)


mattheal November 27 2009, 04:58:10 UTC
I love them, I love them, I love them all with a fierceness that astonishes and frightens me sometimes.



feliciakw November 28 2009, 13:19:26 UTC
You know? I liked Dean and Sam's little snark. If it had happened in RL, I would have wanted to slap someone, but as it is? It's understandable.

Yes, it hurt, but given that Sam has said that there's nothing Dean can do or say that is as bad as he (Sam) is punishing himself, and that he told Dean, "You can think whatever you want; I deserve it," I think Dean's little snark really is meant more as brotherly banter from older brother teasing younger brother about screw-up. Dean is over it to the point where he can joke about it. That's huge. Obviously, it stung, but Sam snarked back, and the clink of bottles, I think, was the "no hard feelings" of the exchange. Dean trusts Sam again, and that's what's important ( ... )


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