Supernatural 5.10 Meta & Picspam Part 1

Nov 25, 2009 23:53

Usual caveat lector: I am pro-pretty-much-everybody. Yes, even him. I especially love Dean. And Sam. And Castiel. And Bobby. And John. And Ellen. And Jo. And Ruby. And Bela. And Andy, Ash, Ava, Gordon, Victor, Rufus, Missouri, Jimmy, Amelia, Claire, Anna, Zachariah, Uriel, Meg, Azazel, Sarah, Lucas, Ben, Lisa, Kubrick, Travis, Jim, Caleb, Josh, Jefferson, Rumsfeld... Um. Yeah.

My mandate for these picspam/meta things is two-fold: What I loved. What made me think. Sometimes what made me think is less than squeeful. But I always find plenty to love, too. Just a friendly warning.

ALSO: I swear in this one. I don't swear often, but I am doing it now.

I warn you now--large portions of this episode did not actually happen. That's my canon and I'm sticking to it.

I was in a numb sort of shock over this for a few days. Then the grief and loss hit me hard. I spent all of Sunday with a literal ache in my chest, thinking nothing but, "Damn you, Eric Kripke. Damn you, damn you, damn you." Then the emotions slowly subsided, but my heart is still very tender over it. And all through that time I was re-watching the episode, bit by bit, making screenshots, tweaking them in GIMP, and thinking about pretty much nothing but Ellen and Jo Harvelle and how very, very, very much I will miss them. During this time I've also had family visiting, my sister and my three-month-old baby niece, cousins and friends. I've been playing many card games and video games and doing lots of cleaning and cooking. And all through it all, these two marvelous, beautiful, amazing women were living in my head. They'll live there forever. It's hard to describe just how bruised I feel, so completely shattered by this entire experience. No television show has ever done this to me before, and in a way that's awesome. And in a way, it's completely and utterly awful, too.

So this picspam, well, it might be a little light on the shots of Sam and Dean, a little heavy in another direction. I hope you will understand why.

I love this, this intricate knot of highway interchange. This is a modern crossroad, traversed by hundreds of people every minute of every day, and it's awesome. I've long been fascinated by the American highway system, all the care that went into designing it, how well it works most of the time (when construction doesn't get in the way), and seeing three tiers of roads stacked on top of each other like this will never not give me a thrill. I even dream about driving on enormous, six-lane highways into the sky, sometimes, and they're a lot like the dreams I have about flying. What a perfect, perfect setting for a banker to sell his soul.

I also find this image interesting in the context of the episode itself--a crossroads, a meeting of ways, a place where decisions are made and new directions are taken. I'm just very, very sad that apparently everything in this episode only ends in a dead end. Where are the boys going now?


Bah, if I blather like this after every shot this review is going to take for-freakin'-ever. Sorry.

BADGER! IT'S BADGER! ::claps hands with glee:: No matter how many beloved shows I see this guy in (also an awesome, awesome villain in Leverage, f'rinstance), he will always be Badger to me, and I will always associate him with Mal and Jayne and Simon and the crazy, crazy awesomesauce of River imitating his accent and driving him practically mad with curiosity and bemusement just by being herself. LOVE. I love this guy. This is the best Crowley they could have given us. BEST.

For those of us who were kind of hoping for an m/m kiss from Demian and Barnes in the last episode, YOUR PRAYERS HAVE BEEN ANSWERED. Were they everything you wished for?

I laughed. Oh, I laughed.

Castiel is the cutest little trench-coat-wearing spy ever in the history of EVER.

He still holds the cell phone so awkwardly, as if afraid that he will break it. Which he very well could, remembering all the light bulbs he busted last season. But then, he's kinda low on juice now, isn't he?

I wonder if this is some kind of pale imitation for "angel radio" for him, now, since I'm sure he's been cut off from hearing his brethren's voices, too. I wonder if he bothers Dean and Sam (and Bobby) with weird calls at strange hours all the frickin' time, just because he needs some kind of connection. I bet he does.

I hope he got one of those unlimited plans, after the problems he had in 5.04.

I kind of love all the angel-warding Badger put on his house. There was just so MUCH of it. Almost seemed like overkill. But then, this is his fortress, isn't it?

I also loved how Dean told Castiel that he did a good job. He's such a leader in this episode, in so many ways, a good leader who doesn't forget to praise his troops and let them know their value to him. Plus of course the fact that he called him HUGGY BEAR.

Because Dean's a good leader, yeah, but he's still Dean.

This frail little shadow standing at the doorway, thin and waifish, hugging herself and pleading for help. What a brilliant actress, and what a brilliant moment of deception.

Because then she turns around, and you know instantly that this woman is a BADASS. Oh, Joooooooooooo.

Of course she took out that guard with one swift, well-rehearsed motion. You can see the training put into that, the coolness in the way she moves, the fettered anger that he would dare to underestimate her. She is a hunter, stupid, and she will take you down as soon as look at you.

I like that Dean praises her too, and that Jo barely acknowledges it, already moving on to the next task. Time was when a kind word from Dean would have meant the world to her, but she is confident in herself and her abilities now, and she is focused on the mission at hand. (Though I'm sure she still liked hearing it. I mean, who wouldn't?)

I find it sort of hilarious that Badger's idea of a relaxing night of entertainment is booze and Nazi footage. But then, he is a demon, isn't he? A very nice touch, creepy enough to remind us of just who this is and how dangerous he is.

WHOO, BADGER, YOU IS LOOKING GOOD WITH THAT GUN!!! Also, boys, why so stupid? D:

Okay, I'm saying here that Jo went and cut the electricity a little too quickly, and they weren't expecting her to be quite that competent, and so they didn't prepare quite quickly enough and didn't have time to take out the other two guards. ::nods:: Yes.


So, yes, they are stupid. But not quite as idiotic as they could be. ::nods:: Yeppers. That's my canon.

LOL, Dean my love, sometimes your wit leaves a bit to be desired. Let's not prove the demon right the second after he calls you a moron, mm?

It is indicative of how very, very flummoxed the boys are by this demon, though. It's cute. And Badger does a wonderful job in this entire scene of walking the line between amiable and terrifying. He's very disconcerting.

He didn't even blink when Sam tried to kill him. That's...kind of hot. ::is ashamed::

I love this look from Sam, all, "oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit NOW WHAT oh shit." ::pets him::

I also like the little bit of twang in his voice when he says "Okay" the first time. It seems to come out in times of stress.

"How about YOU DON'T MISS, OKAY? MORONS!" Classic.

That's what Ellen tells them later, too. They must have somehow gotten a reputation for missing important shots? ::is confused::

And Dean, still thinking like a tactician, asking Badger what's in it for him, blah blah blah. I do love me some smart!Dean, oh yes I do.

Anyway, I'm convinced. Badger really does believe that this gun can kill the Devil. There really would be no strategic advantage in luring them to Carthage, anyway, since Lucifer clearly didn't care that they were there, except for taking a moment to try to tempt Sam. Then again, he did seem to know they were coming, had the trap all set up, and Meg ready with the hellhounds, sooo. But you know. Maybe Lucifer is just that awesome.

I'm confusing myself some more.


I love Badger. He can come back.

Joooooooooo. My beautiful, beautiful girl. ::is already getting weepy::

And Ellen, Ellen, my Ellen, my gorgeous, amazing woman. ::puts head down on table::

I love their ridiculous drinky faces.

CASTIEL!!! My silly, adorable little angel. I love how SRS he is about drinking these shots.


"I think I'm starting to feel something." LOLFOREVER LOLOLOLOLOLOL.

Also, Dean and Sam had better show him LotR sometime. He and Legolas have a lot in common.

He's so cute. OMG. I could die from this cuteness.

And Jo's sweet, lovely, incredulous smile at this, this strangely hilarious statement from this powerful creature who is suddenly one of theirs, one of their group, their team, their family. The affection in this, the way Ellen calls him "big boy," ohhhhhh. They kill me. They kill me.

This is my favorite scene in the episode, swear. It was, what, thirty seconds long? And I've replayed it and replayed it and replayed it over and over again. If it was on VHS the tape would already be starting to wear thin on my copy of this scene and there would be spots of snowy static at the beginning and the end from hitting pause and rewind too quickly. 'Scuse me, I need to go watch it again.

Okay, I'm back. Yeah, thirty seconds. But it's such a pleasant, beautiful little moment. These three manage to pack so much camaraderie and easy, uncomplicated friendship into it. Ellen and Jo are clearly fascinated by this strange being and his ability to pack away the booze, but there's no tension in them, no leaning away from him, not even the barest indication of uneasiness. Ellen's already calling him by an endearment, and Jo's smile, that beautiful smile...

And Cas! He's so comfortable with them. It's amazing. Not even a hint of the adorable freak out we saw the last time he was drinking booze, when Dean took him out and tried to show him a good time. Instead of trying to force Castiel into their idea of what a friend should be, Ellen and Jo seem to have just...let him in. Just like that. And he's excited and sweet and clearly enjoying himself, despite how strange it all must be to him. That little look he gives Jo as he says he thinks he's starting to feel something, well... It's a little bit seeking approval and a little bit eagerness to experience the human sensation of being tipsy and a lot of just...liking them. A lot. A whole lot.

This is what I want Castiel to have with Dean and Sam, but they just aren't quite there yet. Too much history between them, maybe, too many mistakes and misunderstandings and bad communication, too much durm and strang, too little pleasure in each other's company and small moments like this. They want too much from each other, and not enough. They haven't had the time or space to let a friendship just...blossom, like this one clearly did. Dean's getting there, and Sam... Well, they're on the way. But their relationship might never be as simple and sweet and easy as this is.

I've often thought and said through the course of this season that Castiel must be feeling so very dreadfully alone, cut off from heaven and his brethren and everything that has ever made him who he is, searching for something to connect to, God or whatever he can find. And here he is, in this moment, at home with comrades once again. Jo and Ellen gave him that. And I love them forever for it.

But I hate that this is all they get. Hate it. This scene made me so incredibly, incandescently happy, and I was so looking forward to more of it, if not on the show, at least in fic. And my hopes have been shattered completely. Damn you, Eric Kripke. Damn you, damn you, damn you.

LOOK AT THAT SMILE. So fucking gorgeous.

And here are Dean and Sam, removed from that tiny circle of camaraderie and simple enjoyment, in a little word of their own. As always, as ever. But there's trouble in paradise, of course, and I don't mean how they're talking about the logistics of taking a shot at the devil and the possibility of it being a trap. Dean's comment might have seemed teasing and gentle and Sam might have seemed to take it well, but... I don't see how it couldn't have hurt.

And... I'm glad, actually. We didn't get to see much of a journey of the boys getting back together emotionally, and that's what I wanted from the season and what it looked like we were going to get. There's still been this distance between them, this sense of professionalism that's never been necessary before. So I'm glad that things aren't all healed between them yet. Because I want to see the healing happen. We'd better get it, or I'm gonna be even more pissed at Kripke than I already am.

You hear that, Kripke? I'LL BE PISSED. ::shakes a tiny fist at the heavens::

Yeah, I know it's futile. I have to try, though.

This is the face Dean makes at the thought of himself being killed by the Devil. At the thought of their team losing a chess piece. It's cute and silly. But it also made me so sad. How could you think of yourself like this, my darling? You're worth so much more.

And yeah, Dean's still thinking like a tactician. Me likey, even as it makes me do the woobie eyes of WOE.

SAM'S EARNEST FACE. I love Sam's earnest face. Fortunately, we see it at least once an episode.

&hearts &hearts &hearts &hearts &hearts

Also, his eyes are rather fetching here, aren't they? Mmmmm.

I love, I love, I love that Jo had the self-confidence and respect to turn down her old crush, even though it did turn out to be her last chance, after all. I was annoyed at Dean for only noticing her butt, anyway, and doing his typical horn-dog thing when she clearly, clearly deserves so much more. Fortunately, she didn't need me to fight her battles for her.

She is woman. Hear her turn you down with an adorable little laugh (and the most beautiful smile you've ever seen, you sucker).

CAS! Don't bring everyone down, you silly boy!

But of course, he can't resist being himself, far too serious when he absolutely shouldn't be. Oh, Castiel. ♥ I love your utter SRSness, even when it's inappropriate.

I also love that that's SAM'S hand on his shoulder there. LOVE.

I love SO MANY things about this photo. I love that everyone's faces are utterly flat, as they're supposed to be for old-timey photographs set when they didn't smile for the camera. I love that Castiel doesn't know what to do with his arms, and that he appears to be trying to smile despite the depressing words that just came out of his mouth. I love Sam's gargantuan reach encompassing half the frame. I love Jo's curious little head-tilt and the casual way her hand rests on Bobby's shoulder (I wonder if he was "Uncle" to her, too?). I love how uncomfortable Dean looks, because he's not used to people taking pictures of him, not used to people wanting to remember him. I love how frickin' badass Ellen looks. I love that Bobby was the one who wanted this, because he loves them all with a great and abiding love. I love that they're all tilted to one side of the frame, as usually happens when you don't have somebody aiming the shot just right.

I love them, I love them, I love them all with a fierceness that astonishes and frightens me sometimes.

And holy crap, it's almost midnight and this review is already a thousand words longer than the entirety of my review for 5.08.

So...more later.

Part 2


picspam, meta, supernatural ep

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