Supernatural 5.10 Meta & Picspam Part 2

Nov 28, 2009 02:29

Usual caveat lector: I am pro-pretty-much-everybody. Yes, even him. I especially love Dean. And Sam. And Castiel. And Bobby. And John. And Ellen. And Jo. And Ruby. And Bela. And Andy, Ash, Ava, Gordon, Victor, Rufus, Missouri, Jimmy, Amelia, Claire, Anna, Zachariah, Uriel, Meg, Azazel, Sarah, Lucas, Ben, Lisa, Kubrick, Travis, Jim, Caleb, Josh, Jefferson, Rumsfeld... Um. Yeah.

My mandate for these picspam/meta things is two-fold: What I loved. What made me think. Sometimes what made me think is less than squeeful. But I always find plenty to love, too. Just a friendly warning.

ALSO: I swear in this one. I don't swear often, but I am doing it now. A LOT.

Part 1

Large portions of this episode did not actually happen. That's my canon and I'm sticking to it.

I love that Castiel rode with Ellen and Jo. And it's a looooong drive from South Dakota to Georgia, so he must have really wanted to go with them. To me, it smacks of "NEW FRIENDS. Must spend more time with new friends!" on Castiel's part, because why else would he restrict himself to this form of travel? SO CUTE.

"Ever heard of a door handle?" "Of course I have." But he won't deign to use it, LOLOL. See? He MUST have wanted to spend time with them, if he can't even be bothered to open a car door manually when he can bamf there. (By "bamf" here I am of course referencing Nightcrawler, though Castiel is also a BAMF. He's a bamfing BAMF. Bahahaha! I crack myself up.)

I love the way Ellen says, "What is it, Cas?" It just...I dunno, it sounds to me like, "What is it, Lassie? Did Timmy fall down the well again?" I DON'T KNOW. It's just...he's their new mascot, and they love him and he loves them. They make me so giggly with glee, all three of them. (Also, only standing with Ellen and Jo can Castiel look tall. Everyone else he hangs out with dwarfs him. CUUUTTEEE.)

And this is the last time they'll ever see each other and I just... I can't handle this.

Giggles all gone now.

This scene was so creepy and cool. Loved this glimpse into "angel-vision." It was a moment of supernatural wonder, the likes of which this show rarely touches, but when it does get there the goosebumps are magnificent. And if you listen, you can hear them whispering.

I did wonder why we didn't see any female reapers, like Tessa. But these are reapers in their raw form, not the visages they take on to speak to spirits, as Tessa was.

There's no good reason for this shot. He's just really, really, really pretty.

I find it interesting that Lucifer says, "Hello, brother," in that warm, calm, almost inviting voice, though it's clear later that he does not actually know Castiel in any brotherly sense. (He even says his name weird, hee!) I kind of love how this season is all about what a big dysfunctional family heaven is, though it weirds me out if I think about it too long.

And how awful that the only angel this season to greet Castiel with anything like true welcoming (or at least a lack of hostility and simmering hatred) is this one.

I hate Lucifer a lot.

"I thought he was with you." "I thought he was with you." Oh, geez. You guys are hopeless. And adorable. Their frustration with each other here gives me a little thrill, too, because it's so worn in between them. The four of them work as a well-honed unit, as if they've done this many, many times before and they know each other's strengths and weaknesses and quirks and foibles as well as they know their own. And why the fuck didn't we get to see them working together earlier? And more? And now never again?

Agh, I hate how so many things that make me happy in this episode also make me sad and frustrated and angry and hollow with loss and missed opportunity. Damn you, Eric Kripke. Damn you, damn you, damn you.

Gratuitous Ellen and Jo screenshot is gratuitous. They're so beautiful together.

Ah, this! Protective Castiel is made of a million million hearts, and I love that it's on account of Sam, here, how he almost forgets himself, almost throws himself straight into the fire, almost attacks Lucifer himself. That's some kind of powerful devotion, that is. That's what you might call passion, even. From Castiel, an angel. On account of Sam Winchester, the boy with the demon blood, Lucifer's chosen vessel.

Oh, he is becoming all too human, I fear.

And yet, other than that one moment, Castiel remains preternaturally calm. It makes me wonder if angels are constitutionally incapable of feeling fear, that he should stand so straight in the presence of heaven's "public enemy number one," so to speak. He and Lucifer have this curious little conversation about being outcasts, strangers to both heaven and earth. Is this the first time Castiel has said "Um"? He hesitates, looking for a word to explain what riding in a car is like. What a peculiar creature he is, Lucifer observes, with his devotion to these creatures of dust, his loyalty that makes him even attempt a lie that sounds so very strange on his tongue, the way he has bound and confined himself in order to oppose the entirety of the heavenly host. How peculiar they both are.

They do have something in common, these two. Both are outcasts from their family because of humanity, but one left for hate and one left for love. They are flip sides of the same coin, diametrically opposed, yet made of the same substance, the same stuff.

And in the end, I believe, love is more powerful than hate. So Castiel is more than Lucifer will ever be.

Damn, they are all such big damn heroes.

Dean complains about already losing "the angel up their sleeve," the head of a tactician over-riding the heart of a friend. And now I see where the Dean of 2014 could come from, if he ever forgot to switch back from tactician to friend, brother, lover, if he ever forgot what has always been the most important identity he owns.

Meg is freakin' hot. This is an awesome continuation of her character. She's creepy and wrong and scary and I love her.

Such a small moment, but when Dean's eyes flicked to the side, you know he's terrified of those hellhounds, and my heart broke for him, just a little. Just a little more than it already is, I mean. Dean breaks my heart pretty much daily.

And Sam, here, standing strong but waiting for Dean to lead the way. I see trust there and it heartens me immensely. ♥

So, Dean shot the hellhound, not Meg. At first this confused me, but then I thought, "Oh, tactician. He shot the biggest threat. Or at least what he perceived to be the biggest threat at the time."

And then he ran. He was a little closer to Meg and the hounds because he had stepped forward, in front of his people, but I wonder if he held back a bit, kept himself between them as they ran. It would be a Dean thing to do. And Sam with his long legs and Ellen with her hunter's stamina, they got out of there.

But Jo turned back...

I really feel for Bobby, here, alone in his house, trapped in his wheelchair, unable to go along like he did the last time Sam and Dean went after a big bad, Lilith. It must be so frustrating for him. It must make him sick to his soul.

And this moment of relief at hearing Dean's voice... GAH. He loves this boy so much.

Dean lets his guard down with Bobby, too, allows himself a moment of relief at hearing his voice. And he breaks down with Bobby the way he can't let himself crack with anyone else. His voice is pleading, begging Bobby to tell him what to do, to help him through this. The tactician is gone and only the scared child remains. And Bobby, of course, tells him, "That's what I'm here for, boy." It's a beautiful little father-son moment, almost frighteningly, shockingly close and small and intimate, and I feel incredibly privileged that I was allowed to see it.

So many ♥s.

Then Bobby asks him what's next, and Dean pulls himself together. There's a gargantuan struggle in these few frames, a Herculean effort, but he pulls it off. I wish he didn't have to. But Dean's life is full of moments like this, things no one should be asked to do, and he does them anyway, because they need done, and he's available, and he's capable. And it breaks him, it breaks him every single time, but he does it anyway. Oh, God, Dean. Dean.

And here we see once more why Ellen is so unbelievably amazing. Her daughter is lying over there bleeding, but she takes the moment to wander over and tell Bobby what he needs to know. She is smart and strong and observant. She's a hunter, the mother of a hunter, and the world needs her.

It still needs her, dammit.

Damn you, Eric Kripke.

I love this image of Bobby's strong hand splayed over the page that holds the information they need. I love his little yellow post-its dotting the Bible. I love how important he is, how valuable, and how everyone knows it.

Knowledge is power, and Bobby is a powerful man indeed.

Lucifer is a scary mofo. His gaze is so cold, so calculating. Mark Pellegrino is amazing.

And this is so damn creepy, considering how he speaks later of the demons, his creation, his children, knowing that he sees them as dirt and less than dirt. What a manipulative bastard. And a master of it, too, always knows just what to say, just how to get at everyone he deems worthy of speaking to. I'm immensely proud of Sam's continued resistance.

JO! God, Jo. Don't say that. Don't say those words.

This is what Rufus taught her back in 5.02. Bombs work. Jo is a hunter, and she has learned her lessons well.

Don't say that, baby. Don't tell them. They would never have thought it on their own, because they all love you so freakin' much...

This is where I started thinking nonononononononononononono. This can't be happening. This can't be happening. Castiel will bust out of there and come save her and take her to a hospital and everything will be okay, everything will be fine, this CAN'T happen, it CAN'T it CAN'T it CAN'T.

Part of me is still thinking that. And always will.

Like I said, this part of the episode didn't actually happen. So my canon is...unique. Don't care. This didn't happen, because it couldn't. No way, no how, uh uh. Nope. Never. It isn't right and it isn't fair and it isn't even good, and my universe refuses to exist without them in it, so... Yeah. That's the way it is. NEVER HAPPENED AT ALL.

Dear Lord, these women shatter me.

Didn't happen. It didn't happen.

If it did happen, of course, these small, silent good-byes would be some of the most incredible moments we've ever seen on Supernatural. But it didn't happen, so they aren't.

I love that Sam is able to hold her hand, that there are no barriers between them.

And this, oh my heart, this, as Dean tells her silently that he loves her like a little sister and he always will.

And this, as Dean tells her that she is also a woman, that he sees and respects and admires her beauty and courage, that they are equals and he regrets this goodbye with everything in him.


Good thing it didn't actually happen, eh? I couldn't stand it otherwise.

ELLEN. One last motherly admonition. One last command. Don't let this sacrifice be worthless.

If I let this be true, it might just kill me.

And this last silent goodbye is the most painful of all. I can barely watch it.

That's okay. That's my good girl.

This isn't fair.




Lord almighty, you guys. I've been studying these images for days now, fixing them up, living with them, and now I'm sitting over a keyboard writing about them and I'm GODDAMN CRYING AGAIN DAMN IT ALL TO HELL.

Fuck. Fuckity fuck fuck fuck.

This never happened. I swear it didn't.

Only fifteen screenshots left, but I'm writing about them later. Sorry.

Part 3

picspam, meta, supernatural ep

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