Supernatural 5.6 Meta and Picspam Part 2

Oct 19, 2009 16:30

Part 1 is here.Caveat lector: I am pro-pretty-much-everybody. Yes, even him. Especially him. I'm biased toward Dean, though, there's no point trying to deny it ( Read more... )

picspam, meta, supernatural ep

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Comments 20

chiiyo86 October 19 2009, 20:55:53 UTC
Hee, second part! I like what you said about Castiel protecting his family. Strangely, I hadn't thought about it this way, but you're right, the other angels are his family and he does't want to risk them. And as you said, this free will thing is very new to him.

It was nice to see Sam and Castile interact, but now I want more! They can only become friends now, don't they?

I'm sad that there won't be any episode this week but what can I do?


maychorian October 22 2009, 19:17:01 UTC
I do, I really want Sam and Castiel to be friends! Dean and Castiel's new relationship makes me very happy and I just want to squish them all together in a big ball of love. ♥


tabaqui October 19 2009, 22:18:32 UTC
I'm glad you're not 'mad' at Castiel for what he said. He *is* coming at this a lot differently than we are, and he does have issues with seeing things like humans do.

It hurt, but what he said is true, and it needed to be stated. An eight or nine year old kid really *can't*, in reality, be trusted to make the right decisions.

You know, i get really good screen captures using VLC media player. My friend walked me through setting up to do it with one click on my keyboard and it took about two minutes. Might be something to try, since the ones you're getting are a little weird.

Plus, VLC is free.... Thanks for sharing everything! :)


maychorian October 22 2009, 20:24:46 UTC
I have VLC and I've made screenshots with it before, but it wasn't working right so I used a different media player. I think maybe it just needed an upgrade--I downloaded that the other day and it's sitting on my harddrive, so hopefully that will help. We'll see how it goes.

Thanks for your thoughts! I wasn't mad at Castiel at all, really--his feelings make perfect sense to me. Apparently that makes me a bit weird. ::shrug::


starry_ice October 19 2009, 22:28:02 UTC
I love what you wrote about Castiel and loyalty to his family. I totally agree with that.


maychorian October 22 2009, 20:25:12 UTC
Aw, I'm glad. Thanks! :D


mattheal October 20 2009, 00:26:03 UTC
I do miss kroki-refur's Reviews of DOOM, but yours are great too! Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the episode. You helped put Castiel's thought process in perspective for me. I adore Castiel but I will always be a SamnDean girl first and I was very unhappy with the accusations being thrown at Sam. I do understand where Cas is coming from now and I'm not as grumbly as I was before =)


maychorian October 22 2009, 20:28:26 UTC
I miss refur's reviews and fic and everything a lot, but I understand being busy/uninterested/whatever, too. I'm glad you like this review. :D Maybe I'll do it again for the next episode.

Awesome that I could make you feel less grumbly. I'm all about spreading the squee.


jujuberry136 October 20 2009, 00:31:29 UTC
Man, free choice is *hard,* Kripke seems to want to bash us over the head with this point. One the one hand, I want to believe that Jesse is going to hand out with koalas and kangaroos in Australia and grow up to be a happy and good kid--on the other hand, Kripke's shown us multiple examples of how having a power corrupts (Ava, Jake, Sam kinda, any witch ever shown, etc)...

The part with Dean wishing John had lied a little was really well done. It brings us back full circle to the pilot episode, where Sam's upset that John had given him a gun to deal with the monster in the closet and Dean thinks it was the right choice (i.e. lying about the monster would be wrong).

Anyway, thanks for sharing your thoughts! It's fun to read them ;)


maychorian October 22 2009, 20:43:06 UTC
I'm afraid that the next time we see Jesse, he's going to be a problem... :(

I think the boys are beginning to understand just what a hard row John had to hoe, taking care of them while hunting supernatural evil at the same time. Keeping them safe, teaching them too care for themselves, protecting their innocence...he had to make hard, hard choices.

Glad you enjoyed!


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