I would have twittered this, but it got too long.

Oct 11, 2009 11:52

Screw you, Jim Norton. "Obese women who blog about ghost stories" are the shit, and I'm proud to be one of them.

But please, ladies, let's not attack this idiot based on what he looks like. It truly does not signify. Even if he was skinny, handsome, successful, rich, hilarious, and genius-level smart (of which it appears that he is none), he ( Read more... )

what fuckery is this?, fandom, fat acceptance, take a hike and fall off a cliff, rant

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Comments 24

lastwordslinger October 11 2009, 16:08:01 UTC
Yeah, as a follower of stand up comedy, I've never found that guy funny. He's caustic and offensive, and he seems to equate that behavior with humor. And yeah, as per usual with people like that, he's a pot calling the kettle black.

And Jim Gaffigan is the man. HOT POCKET!


maychorian October 15 2009, 16:47:15 UTC
Oh, man, the Hot Pockets bit is awesome. ♥


faryfly October 11 2009, 16:30:16 UTC
I don't even know who he is, but your Fail sentence is made of Win. ;)

Hot Pockets.


maychorian October 15 2009, 16:47:43 UTC
Hee! Thanks.


(The comment has been removed)

maychorian October 15 2009, 16:49:06 UTC
I really don't want to give the guy any more attention, either, but I also don't want my fellow fans to resort to an ad hominem attack. Better to attack the epic fail of his comments without remarking on his own weight. that's just silly.


jennierenee October 11 2009, 16:53:17 UTC
People continue to disappoint me. If you don't like bloggers? Fine. If you don't like bloggers who write about ghost stories? Whatever. But it's unnecessary to attack others like that.

And I love bacon. A lot.


maychorian October 15 2009, 16:53:06 UTC
Douchebags make me sad.

Bacon? Makes me happy.


chiiyo86 October 11 2009, 17:55:12 UTC
To borrow an overused sentence in one SPN episode: "What a douchebag!" (this word makes me laugh; I still have no idea of how to translate it in French). Also, why is he half-naked in the picture???


maychorian October 15 2009, 16:42:06 UTC
I have no idea what's going on in that picture, but yeah, douchebag applies. ;)


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