I Like Birds

Apr 18, 2009 13:27

There are still prompts at the h/c meme that are demanding my attention, and I need to be writing Big Bang, or at least Mouths, but no, what did I spend yesterday afternoon, evening, and most of this morning working on? Yeah, this ( Read more... )

fanvid, humor, castiel, dean winchester, supernatural

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Comments 11

chocochip_pie April 18 2009, 22:42:20 UTC
Aw, that's such a cute song!

I'm totally useless when it comes to constructive criticism on this; I think it's lovely just the way it is.


maychorian April 19 2009, 12:41:16 UTC
Aw, thank you so much! ♥ I'm glad you like it. And the song, yeah...you see that once the idea occurred, I HAD to make it. :)


dotfic April 19 2009, 01:27:25 UTC
Hee, this is delightful and it's great to see something that handles their relationship with a light humorous touch.

I don't know anything about vidding, but I've watched a lot of them? My only comment would be that towards the end the action got a little static. Maybe more cuts and movement?


maychorian April 19 2009, 12:43:12 UTC
:D Glad you liked it.

That's a really good point. I never know quite what to do with those instrumental bits. Hmm. I'm getting some ideas for how to tighten it up.


jujuberry136 April 19 2009, 02:13:53 UTC
That was adorable! No criticism, just glee :D


maychorian April 19 2009, 12:43:46 UTC
Thank you! :D I'm glad you liked it.


fledge April 19 2009, 13:05:30 UTC
eeeeeeeeee that was adorable :D I never heard that song before but I like it. I like how it catches before 'birds' so that it matches the euphemism in your fic - birds, angels, tee hee! I am eagerly awaiting your next instalment of wee!Dean fic, but this was a very worthwhile distraction *g*

Since you seem to be able to pull images from somewhere, could you possibly please help me find a still or sequence or anything from 4:18? It's from the bit where Castiel is talking to Dean by the drinks machine, and he makes this ADORABLE SCRUNCHY FACE (Cas, not Dean) and I want to iconise it like mad but I don't know how to find it - I looked at a bunch of stills one fan had uploaded and it wasn't there :( Maybe there's a Castiel fansite somewhere that might have it...


maychorian April 19 2009, 14:55:17 UTC
Aw, thank you! :D I'm so glad you liked it. And yeah, I love how the music pauses right before "birds," just we can understand exactly what "Dean" is saying. ;)

I'll have to see if I can find that. I do have a download of that episode, if you'd like it? Then you can look for it yourself. Or I could even cut off just that scene and upload it for you, if you like.


fledge April 19 2009, 22:30:27 UTC
I watched it again when you finalised it - looking very nice :) - and somehow, that line 'if you're small and ... need somewhere to perch' could work from either character's perspective. I get a nice feeling of Castiel looking on Dean as fragile, 'birdlike', because of his humanity, and Dean so obviously needs spiritual and emotional guidance. It's just warm squee whichever way you look at it ( ... )


maychorian April 22 2009, 01:59:45 UTC
Yeah, I haven't figured out how to do screen capture on a avi player, either. Maybe there's a program for it? I should probably figure it out just for my own benefit, if no one else's.

LOL, Bobby's Angels. :D That would be awesome

and somehow, that line 'if you're small and ... need somewhere to perch' could work from either character's perspective.

Nice insight, and yes, just what I was trying to convey. They're both sort of lost and "on a search" right now, and they can both be a "feeder to perch on" for each other. :D I'm really very pleased with how the lyrics of this song comment on their emotional journey, while still being sort of goofy and mostly lighthearted.


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