I Like Birds

Apr 18, 2009 13:27

There are still prompts at the h/c meme that are demanding my attention, and I need to be writing Big Bang, or at least Mouths, but no, what did I spend yesterday afternoon, evening, and most of this morning working on? Yeah, this.

Still hate Windows Movie Maker, btw. I had to save it to the computer every time I wanted to check that things were lining up correctly, because it would NOT sync in the program. It might not be a problem if I upgraded my RAM or whatever, but I was impatient. (And poor.)

This is not quite final. If you have suggestions, better scenes, problem points, anything like that, please do share. I'm probably going to add some text for the title and stuff, too. And I need to figure out how to convert it to .avi, but for now, here's YouTube. Oh, and apparently it's blocked in some countries. :( I'll upload it to imeem in a bit. (ETA: Done. Also embedded below.) ETA2: Final version now uploaded. :)

Title: I Like Birds
Music: I Like Birds by Eels
Characters: Dean, Castiel
Category: Humor, Character Study
Spoilers: Through 4.18
Summary: Dean can't help it. He's starting to...he's starting to like Castiel.

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fanvid, humor, castiel, dean winchester, supernatural

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