Don't Leave Me Now - One Shot

May 28, 2011 15:05

Title: Don't Leave Me Now
Status: One-Shot (~ 7600 words)
Rated: PG-13 for language and adult themes.
Characters: House and Cuddy
Summary: From 7x15 "Bombshells" to 7x23 "Moving On," an attempt to 'fix' the baffling characters' slaughter done in the season finale... probably lame and pathetic, but surprisingly soothing for me to write...
Disclaimer: OK ( Read more... )

fanfiction, huddy, cuddy, season 7, house, one shot

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Comments 4

stenveny June 1 2011, 17:32:29 UTC
Very nice!

Out of curiosity, how did you decide at which point in canon you were going to take the story off the rails and go AU? Was there something in particular about "Recession Proof" that called out for a reset, or was it just timing?


maya295 June 3 2011, 12:46:20 UTC
thank you for taking time to read. I'm touched.

and for the timeline, I'd say it was "just" fortuitous since I'd started to write that one-shot with the intention of focusing it on the aftermath of the break up, so 'Bombshells' was my starting point and it was convenient more than it was thought out for that specific purpose. The thing is, this one-shot wasn't meant to include the finlae at first, and even less the bitter feeling left by the knowledge that Cuddy was lost as a character (what a waste ( ... )


anonymous June 1 2011, 23:40:05 UTC
Great!!!!!!Nice!! Tender!! Apropiate!! Redeemable of all the season!!!
you should send it to that sttuborn and infamous gang of writers, and get good paid for your help!!!


maya295 June 3 2011, 13:05:59 UTC
thank you!

you're right, the show belongs to that stubborn and infamous gang of writers and the slaughter is their decision. Awful, horribly stupid decision but theirs nonetheless. Creatively, I'm sure they had a blast doing itn, which will never cease to baffle me but anyway... because ok, right, I get that you don't always need to drive on the road of logic and common sense to get your kick out of a creative process... but now that the thrill of jumping from balcony into a pool while completely high, cut-opening your own leg or throwing cars through your ex-love-of-your-life's house is gone and they all landed feet back on rational planet ratings and critics reactions, I wish them good luck to find just ONE decent way out of this stunt-wise, formidable mess they've done, but MESS nonetheless...

and by that I mean an interesting, plausible and respectful of the characters and original concept of the series way-out...

which is why I say GOOD luck.... :)


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