It is already a bit late on the month, so this dare will be pretty easy.
So far we have done all kind of makeover, but none focused on the younger sims. That will be our target this time around.
Dare #12: Makeover a (maxis premade) kid and/or toddler
Choose any kid and/or toddler of any EP and use any kind of CC for you makeover.
You can do as many makeovers as you want or post images of previous makeover you had done to your sims. The only requirement is to keep the same age the selected sims have when the game starts, meaning no aging down/up.
Like always maxis match is encouraged, though not required, but plastic surgery is not allowed for the makeovers.
And remember you can choose kids and/or toddlers from any EP or use some of the base game sims we have for d/l
here. CAS/bodyshop pictures are welcomed.
The show off post will be up around May, 30.
Have fun!! :D