It seems like someone has set up automation to post in the top comment of a journal. I have gotten half a dozen spam posts, so I am creating this false top. Please do not reply to this comment. All replies are screened and notifications are turned off.
Picked up from Almeda. I'm going to track which books I read this year. Last year I read 25
'Date' below means the date I finished reading it;
Source abreviations: [ARC] means advanced reading copy; [G] means gift or giveaway (free); [K] means Kickstarter; [L] means Loan from a friend, or from the library; [N] means new book (retail); [O] means online/
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Next Month (next week actually) starts Month of Letters I will send out (at least) one letter for every day the post office is open (23 postal days), and I will send a reply to any personal mail I receive in the month of February
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I read 25 books this year (last year’s total was 30). The complete list is Here
It is amazing how much less time I have to read now that I have a full time job and an active life, so let's just look at the stats for what I did ( read )