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  • Traveling Day 19 and 20, January 26 and 27

    mauvedragon Feb 14, 2008 21:46

    Although I've been back in Austalia for a fortnight now, here is the final entry on my time in japan ( Read more... )

    anime and manga, theatre, holidays, temples, uni, japan

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  • Travelling Day 12 onwards January 19 - 23

    mauvedragon Jan 23, 2008 22:14

    19 January ( Read more... )

    food, shrines, theatre, holidays, temples, uni, costuming, health, shopping, japan

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  • Traveling Day 7 onwards January 14

    mauvedragon Jan 18, 2008 17:25

    14 January ( Read more... )

    food, shrines, theatre, holidays, temples, uni, shopping, onsen, japan

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  • Travelling Days 4-6 11-13 January.

    mauvedragon Jan 13, 2008 21:56

    11 January ( Read more... )

    food, shrines, anime and manga, holidays, temples, uni, art, religion, shopping, japan

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  • Travelling Day 3. 10 January.

    mauvedragon Jan 10, 2008 22:15

    This morning we went to Tsukiji Fish Market. This is the major wholesale fish market here. The fresh fish made me wish I had an oportunity to cook for myself while in Japan. Sensei said today that she had been told that the reason why the Japanese resist all efforts against whaling which is less important to them than it might seem is because if ( Read more... )

    food, theatre, holidays, uni, japan

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  • Travelling Days 1 & 2. January 8 and 9.

    mauvedragon Jan 09, 2008 19:30

    8 January ( Read more... )

    food, shopping, holidays, history, uni, japan

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  • Australian Federal election

    mauvedragon Nov 07, 2007 08:10

    My friend Polly is a member of the Australian Democrates and has been working on their campaign at the Victorian state level. She has been writing about politics a lot at her blog lately ( Read more... )


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  • The garden is in bloom

    mauvedragon Sep 22, 2007 13:22

    Our garden is in bloom, so I went and took photos of it.

    Pics (not dialup friendly) )


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