Reviews for the last two episodes of King of the Hill, and the latest episodes of The Simpsons, The Batman, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Family Guy, American Dad, and Smallville.
It was a plushie JL/U Aquaman I won off eBay. I'm still aiming for the 1000 mark. But I probably won't stop there either.
It's funny to have a stuff Aquaman with a Jesus beard, rock star hair, Fabio bare chest and a hook for a hand. Every time I see him I can't stop laughing. SO cute. :)
I had been searching for a Fone Bone plushie forever. I found one a few weeks ago and I was excited beyond belief. But now having him feels a little bit weird simply because I am known as Fone Bone on Toon Zone and I identify myself with my avatar. I hold him up to me and it's like having a plushie of myself. It's unnerving
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Merlin Missy helped me with my user-pics. Could someone who knows how to make user-pics help me find one of Uncle Scrooge? I could also use some help finding Buffy and JLU ones. Thanks
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Melissa took me to Build-a-Bear Workshop for my birthday a week early! I got a plushie Triceratops! She also got me a plushie Fawkes the Phoenix from Harry Potter! AND I picked up my first ever Fone Bone plushie! I hope I can find Smiley Bone and Phoney Bone someday! Hooray for plushies! Hooray for Melissa! Yay!