I am still here people. It's just been TOOOOOO hectic the last few weeks and I've had little time for myself. Things keep happening that I think is worth an LJ entry but I just can't find the time :-( Anyways, watch this space.
I hate it. Especially days like today - 100% humidity, can't get any worse. The air is still and thick - you almost can't breathe. Your hair is wet like you just got out of the shower and it stays that way. It's 23
Just a token update to let all you know I'm still alive. The computer has been out of action for a few days whilst I've been upgrading the PC and rearranging the cubby hole. Will hopefully be back in the swing of things by Sunday arvo. Expect a huge LJ then.
I could go either way. Deep into the madness of nights filled with coding CGI-Scripts and online role playing games, or I could become a normal user. Good luck!