I'm awake, honest. I've had enough coffee to get me going again anyway. Doing some tidying up to my LJ, renaming tags, etc.
This seems like a good enough reason to rename one of them, plus 2008 has ended so it's time to start a new 'life' tag for this year
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Comments 18
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That I opened the tab to just post about that and then started rambling is a sign of how tired I am.
Personally, as a liberal and a EU-sceptic in that order, I'd like to see a stronger showing from the rump Liberals but sadly I can't imagine them putting anyone on the slate; they're all ends up to maintain a few councillors around the country.
The continuity Liberals are pretty dead in the water now-it would be nice for us to sort our policy out, but it's such a minefield of an issue that I can understand why the leadership wants to ignore it as a low priority.
I actually think he might win as well, Cameron has hardly made a great impression, and if you take away the "arrgh, recession, not Brown" factor (which the apparent "success" of Brownite fiscal policy worldwide could well do) he's not looking like a winner.
Someone like Clarke in as Shadow Chancellor and Cameron would be in a much better position, as it is they look like a bunch of lightweights, with the only exceptions seeming to be Hague and Pickles.
I'm interested in watching them as it's a new thing, and they have the potential to build something, but dodgy links and some interesting backgrounds may make things harder.
The basics that Lisbon is a mess and the EU needs root and branch reform is the message we should've come on with ourselves though.
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