Okay, fine. Everyone else did this and I said I wouldn't but I'm being driven to distraction by the pup. So, without futher ado...
Claim an Obi-Wan. You know you want to. Pairings optional.
The Sith and The Senator darksithsenatorMaster!Obi
Bantling sen_amidalaFlying!Obi
Anakin Did What?
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There was a new infant in the crèche and all the young Initiates were very curious. The Masters that looked after them kept shooing them away, because the new baby was still adjusting. Three-year-old Obi-Wan didn’t know what the grown-up words meant, but he could tell that they didn’t want her to be scared by all the curious little beings that wanted to poke her.
Some other grown-up words they used when the group had been told about the new arrival was that she was a Mon Calamarian. Obi-Wan had never seen a Mon Calamarian before ( ... )
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