Winkup 2015 02

Jan 29, 2015 03:38


1. One high-technology item that surprised you most so far?
K: Water dispenser (because the water becomes hot instantly)
M: Bread maker
S: Computer
T: Wouldn't that be the automated vacuum cleaner?

2. Please imagine this. What skill do you think you’d have picked up 100 years later?
K: The thing where you fly through the sky with a skateboard (Ah! So that’s my dream)
M: I probably won’t be around then…
S: Wouldn’t images be appearing in space (as in air, not outer space) by then?
T: Anywhere door*
*This is a prop from Doraemon

3. Other than sleeping at home, what do you spend the most time on?
K: Listening to music
M: Probably either watching TV or reading Wink Up
S: Watching TV (it’s pretty long)
T: Watching soccer on the sofa

4. Was there anything you were scared of when you were a kid?
K: Sea
M: People who ran faster than me
S: Dogs
T: Loud noises

5. Please tell us the best clothes that you own currently**
K: Knitted stuff that feel fluffy
M: Patchwork coat
S: A rather formal set up with sneakers
T: Wouldn’t that be the concert costumes?
**I had problems translating this as the original Japanese phrase was “Shobufuku”, which would mean something along the line of clothes you’d wear to important occasions/ dates, or when you want to look your best.

6. 3 things you need from the person you’re in love with
K: Manners, the way she talks, smile
M: Female, tolerance, strong-willed
S: Dignity, compassion, whether we can respect each other
T: Popular, has dreams, steadfast as a person

7. Frankly, what are the members’ mental ages?
K: Shige’s 40, Massu’s 32, Tegoshi’s 25 (I’m about 25 I think)
(Editor’s note: When Koyama heard that Tegoshi said himself to be 40, he was genuinely shocked and went “Huh!?”)
M: Tegoshi’s a 6th grader, Shige’s 30, Koyama’s 28 (I’m 28)
S: Koyama’s 16 (It hasn't changed since I first met him), Tegoshi’s 8, Massu behaves his age so that’d be 28. (Me? 62)
T: Koyama’s 22 or 23, Shige’s 35, Massu’s 14 (I’m forever 18. But at work I’m 40)

8. When do you show the selfish/ wilful side of yourself?
K: When I’m hungry
M: When I’m hungry
S: When I’m busy maybe?
T: When I’m with people I trust

9. Please give yourself some words of encouragement for 2015
K: To be myself
M: No…!
S: Try being better than the me now
T: Dive straight in!

10. Please draw a goat that looks sorry for being the zodiac sign this year. (from left to right: K, M, S, T)

credits to inala @ lj for the scans!


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