Popolo 2015 01

Jan 29, 2015 03:30

Popolo 201501

Stay warm with us this winter!
A man who would surround the troubled lady with warmth. These four members, who fit into all the conditions of a Nukumen* perfectly, will warm up the cold winter!
*Nukumen is a relatively new (?) slang word to describe men who’d heal your hearts with warmth.

Masuda Takahisa
“It’s a happy thing to be able to help people.”

Condition 1: You consciously switch between the “off” and “on” modes.
No. I don’t feel any “switching”. To say it in a slightly cool manner, I don’t think there’s an “off” mode where I can forget about work completely. It’s more like doing stuff like listening to music to help my work, or doing stretching exercises on location to slowly build up my tension. But there are times when I instantly snap out of it when people tell me “Thanks for your hard work~” at the end of an assignment.

Condition 2: “Ladies First” is something that you do naturally day-to-day.
Yes. At the elevators or doors, for example, if there are ladies around, I’d hold the doors for them and go, “Please.” I think I naturally pay attention to little things of these levels. I’ve heard that you should let the ladies go first at the upriding escalators, and let them go after you at downriding escalators, but these situations just don’t happen in the first place (laugh).

Condition 3: Before you even notice, animals and little kids have gathered around you.
No, but it might be yes in some sense. The animals really like coming to me. Like dogs, they reaaaaally come. Though I run away from them (laugh). For children, it’s divided. Either they all come together, or they don’t come at all. It depends on their personalities. I’m really nice to the kids who come to look for me, like playing with them, so much so that I even end up getting punched by them sometimes (laugh).

Condition 4: You’re the type whose emotions are written all over your face.
Yes. I show all my emotions clearly. When I’m happy, I rejoice. When angry, it might be more appropriate for an adult to hide that anger, but I never think of hiding it.  As for sadness, I don’t think I’ve felt that very much. There are times when I’ve felt disappointment or pain though. I don’t show those feelings to anyone, but I feel them very clearly in my heart.

Condition 5: There is a part of your body that you are very proud of.
Yes. I often get told that I’ve got very nice teeth. I’m really grateful to my parents for giving me the beautiful teeth (laugh). I go to the dentist regularly and take good care of my teeth daily to prevent cavities. My toothbrush is the softer type, and I’ve been using a type of toothpaste that I like for the longest time. But the dentist tells me that I brush my teeth too much (laugh).

Nukumen factor: 3/5

A line from women that will heal you
“It was really fun. Thank you.” I’ll definitely be happy if I hear that after we do something together, or even if she liked some place or thing that I told her about.
Because it means I managed to create a special time for her, and came in useful.

Koyama Keiichiro
“It’s only natural to take care of ladies!”

Condition 1: You consciously switch between the “off” and “on” modes.
Yes. “news every.” is a job that needs to be done at a pre-determined time in a very precise manner, so it requires me to put in a lot of thought and concentration. That’s why I need to properly be in “on” mode.  And in exchange, when I’m off, I don't come up with very detailed schedules, and spend the days without being worried about time. When I enter the news studio it’s “on”, and when I get home I switch to “off”. With NEWS, it’s more like going into “on” mode for something enjoyable.

Condition 2: “Ladies First” is something that you do naturally day-to-day.
Yes. There are two ladies in my family - my mother and sister - so I think I’ve been doing this since I was little. It’s not so much about what you do exactly, but that if you grow up in an environment where it is natural to take care of ladies, it just comes to you naturally. And in the first place, I’d hate myself if I can’t even let the ladies go first as a 30 year-old man. I want to become a man who can do this smartly!

Condition 3: Before you even notice, animals and little kids have gathered around you.
Yes. It seems like I belong the type that people find are easy to strike conversations with. There are always children nearby when I’m out doing the news reports, for example. For some reason, there are even times when they cry when I finish and leave (laugh). My nephews are also always beside me. Recently, they taught me how to do the “Youkai Exercise”, and now I can dance to that too. Because they’re really strict, I get told stuff like “That’s wrong!” (laugh). Might be because I can play with them from their point of view.

Condition 4: You’re the type whose emotions are written all over your face.
No. I don’t get angry. It may be because the anger reacts slower than the person. There are times when I get irritated, and times when I thought “HUH!?” but I’ve hardly snapped. Neither have I gotten mad at the members before. Because it’s too troublesome to get angry (laugh). Happiness and joy are familiar emotions though. Like when I’m with my friends, and of course when I work with NEWS, feelings of enjoyment come out really distinctly.

Condition 5: There is a part of your body that you are very proud of.
No. If you ask me it’d be a “No”, but everyone has been telling me that my shoulders have grown larger. Apparently they look smaller when I’m in suits, but when I’m in my own clothes, I get told “Those muscles are amazing!”. So much so that even sports athletes have been surprised (laugh). It’s not that I pay extra attention to them, but as I worked the body out, the shoulders just got muscular along the way. I’ll continue working hard towards creating an adult’s body!

Nukumen factor: 3/5

A line from women that will heal you
“You’ve worked really hard.” If I suddenly get told this when I’m sitting on the sofa at home, my heart will definitely skip a beat (laugh). It’s like, you knew I was working hard? Because it’s hard to tell people yourself that you’ve been working really hard, so having someone who understands that makes me happy.

Kato Shigeaki
“It’s important for it to be done naturally!”

Condition 1: You consciously switch between the “off” and “on” modes.
Yes. It might not be right to say that I do it consciously, but I think I naturally switch between my “on” and “off” modes. Because I want work and private times to be separately clearly. For me, once I wear the costumes, the work switch goes on! I guess it’s because those are clothes that were chosen by other people, so it feels different from usual somehow. But because I wear my own clothes for radio, so I might actually be doing it in my “off” mode.

Condition 2: “Ladies First” is something that you do naturally day-to-day.
Yes. I don’t think it’s for myself to say, “Yes! I let ladies go first!” It’s only because it’s something done naturally that makes it something nice. But opening doors, letting them exit first at the elevators, doing what I can…I’m sure I do. I didn’t use to be able to do that, but I think it’s because I turned 20 and became an adult that made me want to do all that.

Condition 3: Before you even notice, animals and little kids have gathered around you.
Yes. The kids do come. I guess my refreshing image does get conveyed to them. I do play with them, but I don’t go easy on them at all just because they kids. Though it seems like the kids don’t mind if I do go easy on them. I also kept a dog when I was living with my family, and I was very popular with the dog. It seems like dogs can tell the smell of their owners and would go to them.

Condition 4: You’re the type whose emotions are written all over your face.
Yes. I think I belong to the type who displays emotions clearly, but it’s embarrassing somehow to show happiness and joy to people. Emotions like anger and sadness are fine, but it’s difficult to be honest about feeling happy and enjoyment. And to put it into words ups the level of difficulty even more! I’ve come to the age when I feel this way already!

Condition 5: There is a part of your body that you are very proud of.
No. No, no, I don’t have any of that! If I really had to say something, it’d probably be just that my head’s longer than that of most people. I used to hate that, but now I’ve come to terms with it. There are loads of people who have features better than me, so I probably don’t have anything that I can be proud of (laugh). I’d be happy if people praised any of my body parts, but to be honest, I’m not interested in all that so I can’t remember anything.

Nukumen factor: 4/5

A line from women that will heal you
“Okaeri.” (Welcome home) Because it feels like she’s always there and I can feel assured. Even if we’re not together, it’s fine if she tells me that over the phone or texts! Everyone, it’s really better to try saying that (heart)

Tegoshi Yuya
“I want to do things for the ladies that will make them happy.”

Condition 1: You consciously switch between the “off” and “on” modes.
No. When I’m standing in front of the camera or on the stage, I start putting on faces, but I’m basically in a flat mode most of the time. To make up a personality is something that happens only in the acting world, and no matter when or what happens, I want to be just the way “Tegoshi Yuya” is. I do think about the way I speak during Live telecasts, but I won’t lie.

Condition 2: “Ladies First” is something that you do naturally day-to-day.
Yes. I started travelling and saw foreigners doing it so naturally, so I started practicing that too. In addition, because I’m leading my life as a man, I want to be popular. That’s why I want to do things that will make ladies happy or smile. At first, it was more of a “I’ll do it for them” kind of conscious effort, but now it’s become a habit.

Condition 3: Before you even notice, animals and little kids have gathered around you.
Yes. They do! I like kids and animals, and I think they can tell. When I’m playing with children, my mental age goes below theirs (laugh). Once I met the eyes of a kid I don’t know, and when I made a funny face at him, he flipped. Because I like children, I can’t help but want to get closer to them.

Condition 4: You’re the type whose emotions are written all over your face.
Yes. I get told by my close friends that I’m really easy to read, and I think so myself too. There isn’t a need to stop myself from expressing happiness and joy, so I express them honestly, but for sadness, there are times when I pick the time and place to express it. Because there isn’t a need to show tears or weaknesses in front of the camera, so I do get the impression that I keep them in most of the time. But, in front of good friends there is nothing to hide so I just show them my frank self.

Condition 5: There is a part of your body that you are very proud of.
Yes. I generally aim to be slim macho, and these legs that were trained from soccer are especially good~ (heart) My thighs and calves are my pride.  It’s only because I properly do my training and watch their conditions that they can be maintained in such a condition. What people tell me are things like collarbone, the veins on my arms, and colour of my eyes. These are what female staff praise me for most often. But I think they’re pretty ordinary (laugh).

Nukumen factor: 4/5

A line from women that will heal you
“You’re really reliable.” There are plenty of people who are just cool, but if the person is reliable and funny in addition to cool, that would be the best, wouldn’t it? Because I’m doing this job, being cool is something that is a basic requirement, isn’t it.

There was this section in Popolo that I found fun to read too, so I thought I’d translate this as well. :)

Animal Personality Test

1.     You are Momotaro. If you can bring an animal along with you, what would it be?
2.     Why?
3.     The animal helped you out in an unexpected way. What would that be?

This personality test helps you understand your strength(s).
Leaving a space between the questions and the explanation behind the questions in case people want to try doing this too.

Explanation: It doesn’t matter which animal you pick. The reasons given for Q2 are what you want people to see you as at this point of time. Q3 is what you think your strength is. Was this accurate?

And now the boys’ answers!

1)   Lion
2)   Because it’s really strong, so if something happens, it can protect me
3)   Even if an enemy appears, it’s the strongest creature so it’d probably be able to eat and kill the enemy up

The results are pretty good aren’t they? I’m always providing strength and comfort to the ladies so I think this test is accurate.

1)   Tiger
2)   Tigers are the coolest and it feels like they’ll always come through for you
3)   Defeat the opponent!

So it means I want people to see me as cool? But I might really want people to see me as someone who’d come through for them.

1)   Horse
2)   Isn’t it convenient since you can ride on them?
3)   The horse can comfort me when I’m tired and protect me

Is this really supposed to be accurate? Somehow after hearing the results… I’m definitely leaving a bad impression here. Will this be okay?

1)   Leopard
2)   Leopard prints are cute, and it looks strong so it can scare things away
3)   Everyone finds it cute and come over and become friends

Rather than being seen as strong, I may actually want people to see me as someone who can hold myself up properly. And it is true that people do tend to gather around me (laugh).

credits to inala @ lj for the scans!


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