Mass Effect Kink Meme: PART XV

Jan 28, 2013 13:15

The Mass Effect Kink Meme has moved to Dreamwidth. The Dreamwidth URL for this part is:

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Tali/Traynor ... 69 anonymous March 7 2013, 06:00:11 UTC
Citadel Spoiler Alert!
Read at your own risk!

Tali: 69...
Jack: In your dreams!
Tali: What? I don't get it.
Traynor: I'll explain it to you later.

Sooooo... somebody wanna take on Traynor explaining it to her later? Maybe with some demonstrations?
*eyebrow waggle


Re: Tali/Traynor ... 69 anonymous March 7 2013, 17:40:57 UTC
Oh hells yes! Very much seconded!


69 1/2 anonymous April 27 2013, 12:20:19 UTC
(This is very innocent given the topic, sorry OP ( ... )


69 2/2 anonymous April 27 2013, 12:25:16 UTC
Jack looked up from across the room at the sound of Traynor's frustrated cry. "What's the matter?" she laughed. "Your calculator stop putting out?"

"You!" said Traynor. "This is all your fault! You explain what 69 is to these poor aliens before I die of awkwardness ( ... )


Re: 69 2/2 anonymous April 28 2013, 14:25:03 UTC
This line made me crack up:

"It's cool," said Jack. "It's the looks on their little faces that make teaching worth while."

Thanks so much, anon!


Re: 69 2/2 anonymous April 29 2013, 08:34:50 UTC
I'm glad you liked it :)


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