Huge-Ass Prison Break Post, Part 2/2

Jul 17, 2014 13:37

First, an art rec. Seriously AMAZING vector poster. Words cannot describe how amazing it is. GO SEE IT NOW.

This post is for the rest of my plotbunnies so far, and some character thoughts that didn't really fit into the headcanon post. Again, feel free to use any that catch your eye! Warnings for talk of rape/non-con, addiction, and death.

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pairing: lincoln/michael/sara, writing: plotbunny, character: michael scofield, character: alexander mahone, fandom: prison break, character: lincoln burrows, actor: william fichtner, rec, character: paul kellerman, pairing: lincoln/michael

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Comments 2

siennavie July 21 2014, 06:11:27 UTC
That vector design was really cool, and I did like how the prison theme was built-in.

THAT, is a lot of plot bunnies :P Good luck with wrangling them!


mashimero July 23 2014, 06:20:03 UTC
Ugh, IKR? It's ridiculous how inspiring this show is for me right now @___@


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