Good Days

Jul 09, 2014 19:32

Yesterday was a good day. There was so much activity on LJ, it felt like 2009 again :D

And despite a set stalking FAIL (I should've known better than to trust a newbie LOL), today was still a good day! Since J and I were downtown, we ended up going for macarons and tea.

Another good thing about today? ONLY FIVE DAYS UNTIL THE UTOPIA SERIES 2 ( Read more... )

challenge: artpaperscissor, fandom: supernatural, fandom: utopia, adventures in set stalking, fandom: prison break, music, fandom: stargate atlantis

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Comments 3

wendy July 10 2014, 13:45:01 UTC
we ended up going for macarons and tea.

Oh, I love macarons. But when I read that, I thought it said MACARONI and then I got REALLY excited. Whoops.


tuesdaeschild July 10 2014, 17:56:10 UTC
*waves back* Some days there's stuff going on and some days there isn't. I think I've learned the only thing to do is to appreciate the days with stuff. :D

It makes me happy that there are still people who keep the love for Prison Break alive though and with you stirring up we veterans (Only in the sense that we've been a part of the fandom for a long time! You surely didn't think in actual age did you?!! *winks*) with PBMedia and PBNews and your presence here the fandom is at least no longer on life-support.

You rock! :)


mashimero July 14 2014, 18:21:30 UTC
Some days there's stuff going on and some days there isn't. I think I've learned the only thing to do is to appreciate the days with stuff. :D
It seems like this LJ posting day is catching on though! I've seen a number of people starting to come back to LJ, if not entries, than at least commenting on things. I just hope LJ doesn't mess things up with yet another "redesign".

with PBMedia and PBNews and your presence here the fandom is at least no longer on life-support. *blushes* awww thanks! And I sure hope I can stir up some more people to get involved. Like I said in one of my earlier posts about PB, I wouldn't care if I was posting into a void. I don't do fanart for comments or kudos, but for myself, because sometimes the damn plotbunnies just won't leave you alone until you work it out! But seeing so many people on tumblr still watching and into PB (are you following scofields on tumblr? They just mentioned that they hit the 5000 follower mark!), it felt so sad that there was no central place for PB fans to gather. So fingers ( ... )


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