Good Days

Jul 09, 2014 19:32

Yesterday was a good day. There was so much activity on LJ, it felt like 2009 again :D

And despite a set stalking FAIL (I should've known better than to trust a newbie LOL), today was still a good day! Since J and I were downtown, we ended up going for macarons and tea.

Another good thing about today? ONLY FIVE DAYS UNTIL THE UTOPIA SERIES 2 PREMIERE. I am so excited for this, words cannot express. So instead, give the theme song a listen. It's so unsettling, but not in a typical horror/suspense/atmospheric way. It's energetic and perfectly in line with the bold, saturated, beautiful cinematography of the show.

I also got sucked into searching for mashups yesterday, and found this gem: Wake Me Up In a Land Down Under by Smija (a mashup of Avicii's Wake Me Up and Men At Work's Down Under). Down Under has always been a bit of a guilty pleasure of mine. It's just so FUN! It's the star of this mashup, but Wake Me Up makes it a lot more current and fresh.

And, as if I don't have enough things to do, I've made even more work for myself. I'll be starting up another round of artpaperscissor soon (schedule TBA depending on member feedback), and, I present to you: Prison Break News, a weekly newsletter for PB fanworks and cast member news. I figured, since I was already getting Google alerts for a number of PB alum, I might as well add a few more and start a newsletter LOL. Once I make an actual post, I think I can import the RSS feed to LJ, so people can follow along there as well.

I am still so BUMMED at the lack of fandom for PB. Not to say that the fandom is completely dead, because it's not (*waves at clair-de-lune and foxriverinmate*). But I've checked out the Prison Break tag on tumblr and twitter, and I've seen people who are getting into PB for the first time, and being all caught up in it. And I wish that there was some way to get PB fans together and talking, and maybe producing more fanworks! Hence, Prison Break Media and Prison Break News.

On a related note, I'm so glad to see that the SGA fandom is still alive and kicking! Look at all the fanworks being posted to the SGA 10 Years Later Fest!

challenge: artpaperscissor, fandom: supernatural, fandom: utopia, adventures in set stalking, fandom: prison break, music, fandom: stargate atlantis

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