Recs and things

Jul 14, 2014 10:55

There is a love meme going on at riyku's journal! Start a thread if you feel like some lovin'!

I've made a poll at artpaperscissor about a possible round 3. Please fill it out if you're interested in participating!

I've been struggling with finding the "right" music (whether that's for studying, relaxing, or running), and apparently what I needed was to get back to instrumental music!

I'm reccing Cristobal Tapia de Veer again, because he's amazing. I didn't realize that he's done a number of soundtracks, and not just Utopia. I think all of his stuff is pretty great, but I especially recommend The Crimson Petal and the White soundtrack. I haven't seen the show and don't plan to, but this is a soundtrack that makes me want to watch it in the moment. I get this feeling that it ties in really well with the show (same as how the music is so well utilized in Utopia. And that's how it should be! I really hate it when music is treated as an afterthought. The music for The Crimson Petal and the White is a lot less eclectic and out there than the Utopia soundtrack, but it still has that... oddness and tension that seems to be present in all of de Veer's work.

I'm also reccing Balmorhea. I found them because their song Bowsprit is used as the opening theme for Rectify. I think it's a perfect choice for the show, because it's "easy listening", but not boring in any way. The rest of their music follows similar themes, but there are a few tracks here and there where they surprise you with sudden energy that I also love.

challenge: artpaperscissor, rec, music

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