There are Just Really No Words to Explain How I Feel ..

May 27, 2008 16:22

Yes I know, this post is kinda late however with my laptop still at Toshiba so I have less online time and hence the late post. :P My laptop is fine by the way, it's just taking too long since I can't reformat my hard disk so they're working on that. You'll also have to forgive me as this is a rather long entry hence the LJ cuts. :P ( Read more... )

elliott yamin, david cook, american idol, real life stuff, blake lewis

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Comments 15

obsessed_love May 27 2008, 13:51:35 UTC
YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY COOKIE!!!!! I loved reading about your journey and actually, I also didn't get into Cookie from the start cause uni had me busy, but for me Billie Jean did it. It was the first one I heard and my god I was just in shock. He really deserved to win. COOKIE IS AMAZING!!!!

Thanks for sharing yourvoting technique btw ;D I'm sooo happy to know I'm part of the 54 million votes too, mwahah!


masayahin May 27 2008, 19:03:40 UTC
I loved reading about your journey

awww. thank you so much! :D

I also didn't get into Cookie from the start cause uni had me busy, but for me Billie Jean did it.

i know a lot of people really were converted with that performance. :) it was indeed amazing. :)


yes he is. :D

Thanks for sharing yourvoting technique btw ;D I'm sooo happy to know I'm part of the 54 million votes too, mwahah!

it's a great feeling isn't it? ;D and no problem! like i said i'm just glad i was able to help. :)


luckychan May 27 2008, 13:59:43 UTC
Hmm. You know what? I think I need an Elliott Yamin icon post. :P Yes you do. :P Because Blake and David Cook both have icon posts from you...

And I noticed a completely random thing in the background of the Blake pic...what is that girl doing? O__o

I was kinda anxious at first since I needed to go to school. D: You needed to go to school? Why? O_o Aaaah...enrollment? ^^;

LOL! You even mentioned me, how nice. XD But I think you shouldn't have texted me then...^^; Because as I said before, I'm still none too impressed by "Always Be My Baby". But as I've already discussed my reasons for that, never mind. :P I did like "Hello" though, actually.

I love how both Cookie and Archie have nothing but great things to say about each other. That's true. (And that picture is adorable, by the way! And whee Michael Johns in the background~ XD) That's what some of their (more, er, rabid) fans should realize...that the two contestants don't really hate each other. So why all the fandom wars? O_o ( ... )


masayahin May 27 2008, 19:39:25 UTC
Yes you do. :P Because Blake and David Cook both have icon posts from you...

haha. i know. it's not fair to Elliott. :P so i'll probably make one soon.. after another cookie post. XD

And I noticed a completely random thing in the background of the Blake pic...what is that girl doing? O__o

ahahaha. i noticed that too. XD i think it was just bad timing. i was suppose to edit her and the other people as well and just leave blake in the picture but then i got lazy and i thought it might look weird. XD on second thought, i think it won't look weird even if i did edit them out. oh well. :P

You needed to go to school? Why? O_o Aaaah...enrollment? ^^;

yup. :) just needed to fix some stuff for enrollment. :D

LOL! You even mentioned me, how nice. XD But I think you shouldn't have texted me then...^^; Because as I said before, I'm still none too impressed by "Always Be My Baby".

haha. of course. you mentioned me in your LJ post as well. ;D LOL. well, i thought you just might have a change of heart after that performance. :P

I did like ( ... )


luckychan May 28 2008, 01:25:01 UTC
aha! so he had you at "hello" as well. ;D :PPPPPP Not really. :P I just said I liked it better than his other performances. Heh. :P

ahahaha. i noticed that too. XD i think it was just bad timing. Hehe, poor girl, actually. ^^; (I'm prone to that--having my pic taken at the worst moments.)

by the way, i know you like my new icon. admit it. :PPP Eeep! It's Andrew Cook! Yes, I like that icon. ...noooo curse you~ XD (I still think he's more worth fangirling over, looks-wise at least. XD)

...but I always like your icons anyway. :P


masayahin May 28 2008, 17:05:57 UTC
Not really. :P I just said I liked it better than his other performances. Heh. :P

sure, sure. <- if you read the twilight series, i got that there. :P

i think secretly you're going to the cookie side. hee. :D

Hehe, poor girl, actually. ^^; (I'm prone to that--having my pic taken at the worst moments.)

LOL. i have a funny story about picture taking. see even way back my friends tell me that i always smile even when then call me suddenly.

they're like .. "masayahin (lol. i'll just use my LJ username)!"
and i'm like .. "yes?" *smile*


i know there was even a time when my friend was like taking stolen shots of me but they couldn't get a bad shot.

well, it's their fault, they're always calling me first. not my fault i always smile. :P

Eeep! It's Andrew Cook! Yes, I like that icon. ...noooo curse you~ XD (I still think he's more worth fangirling over, looks-wise at least. XD)

hahahaha. David Cook pa rin! :P for me anyway.

...but I always like your icons anyway. :P

awww. thank you so much! comments like that make my day! :D


shape5 May 28 2008, 06:11:49 UTC
Heh. I always watch AI, but I've never been really into a contestant before.

And since you were kind enough to offer, I would love an icon with David's face from the second to last graphic you posted here. If possible, with as much confetti and as little other people as possible :)


masayahin May 28 2008, 17:09:25 UTC
Heh. I always watch AI, but I've never been really into a contestant before.

Cookie really has an amazing gift then. :) but then you already knew that. :P

And since you were kind enough to offer, I would love an icon with David's face from the second to last graphic you posted here. If possible, with as much confetti and as little other people as possible :)

alright! :D i'll start cropping right away and i'll send you the examples so that you can chose the crop that you like best then i'll work on that (coloring and everything). :)

thank you for taking time to read my AI journey by the way. :D


shape5 May 28 2008, 19:17:36 UTC
It was an interesting read. And yay! I'm excited!


thecatscratch June 8 2008, 10:40:04 UTC
Aw, that was an awesome read.
You are Filipina, yes?


masayahin June 9 2008, 06:04:18 UTC
aww. thank you so much! :D

and yes, i'm a filipina hence the name. ;D


twixgirl08 June 10 2008, 14:12:28 UTC
AW CRAP!!! I totally forgot about Gizmo. I'm from the Philippines too and I really wanted to vote! BAH. I had a US cell number pa naman :( Oh well, next season!

I loved reading about your Idol journey. :D David Cook had me at Hello too ;)


masayahin June 13 2008, 11:57:02 UTC
awww. sayang. i posted this very detailed post at davidcookai7 pa naman especially for filipinos. :( oh well there's still next season nga naman for you (haha. i'm still not sure if i'm going to watch again next season). :)

thank you so much for reading! i really appreciate it. :D


twixgirl08 June 13 2008, 12:00:26 UTC
Ohhh I didn't see it coz I just recently joined the DC comm (I'm generally tamad to join LJ comms eh :)) ). Man, I don't even wanna think about next year. I think DC is THE ultimate idol and there doesn't need to be another one! Hahaha I kid of course :))


masayahin June 13 2008, 12:31:24 UTC
oh. :) i also posted it at 2 other forums, one being :)

haha. well, you can always stop watching like some will be doing. :) as for me, like i said we'll see. :P


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