Drabble: Gnat, Xander/Andrew, PG Slash

Nov 26, 2011 01:56

Title: Gnat
Author: maryfic
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Rating/Pairing: PG, Xander/Andrew
Word Count: 123
A/N: Thanksgiving Drabble Challenge

Sometimes, when something annoys you, there’s a simple swat of your hand involved.

Sometimes, you need to get out the big guns, flyswatters, fly traps, things that show you mean business in this eternal war between you and the small, flying creature.

Xander had tried the simple approach. He’d even hidden that damn camera that was always in his face, why the hell was it is his face; he was the nobody in this house. right?

So he’d trapped Andrew in the bathroom, intending to give him the talk, the big one, the leave me the hell alone unless you want to get pounded talk.

That’s when the bug turns into your biggest fan and kisses you.

He’d never been the hero before.


thanksgiving drabble challenge, xander/andrew, drabbles

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