Drabble: Gift, Giles/Cordelia, G

Nov 26, 2011 02:12

Title: Gift
Author: maryfic
Disclaimer: Joss owns them.
Rating/Pairing: Giles/Cordelia, G
Word Count: 130
A/N: Thanksgiving Drabble Challenge

They had nothing in common but the gift.

Perfume, the kind she had been wanting but unable to afford since Daddy Warbucks had turned into Daddy No-bucks and she’d had to take that job at the dress shop.

He’d seen her, there, one afternoon. He must have been shopping at the natty male clothing store, though she’d never pegged the older man for a clotheshorse, given the tweed - but maybe that was just a uniform.

It came that night - before anything else, and when she put it on after bathing, she thought of him.

Wondered why she was kissing Wesley instead of Giles and meeting his eyes across the gym floor.

For someone who deserves more.

What an odd thing to say, from someone who didn’t know her at all.


thanksgiving drabble challenge, giles/cordelia, cordelia, drabbles

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